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SQL Server CE query having no effect?

I'm attempting to insert rows into a SQL Server CE database, and it's returning that 1 row is affected, there's no exception, and no syntax error in the query as far as I can see - but it's having no effect, when I look in the table from the Database Explorer.

If I run a query through VS, everything works fine. There's no connection problem as far as I can tell... what am I doing wrong here?

Here's the code, though it probably doesn't make a difference:

    Using conn As New SqlCeConnection(My.Settings.DietSafetyCheckerReportsConnectionString)

        Using cmd As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
            cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Reports(PatientID, PreparedBy, PreparedFor, WeightInKilos, HeightInMeters, Age, PercentBodyFat, ElbowMeasurementInCentimeters, ReportDate, Gender) " &
                              "VALUES(@pid, @pby, @pfor, @weight, @height, @age, @bodyfat, @elbow, @rdate, @gender);"

            cmd.Parameters.Add("@pid", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = Me.PatientID
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@pby", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = Me.PreparedBy
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@pfor", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = Me.PreparedFor
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@weight", SqlDbType.Float).Value = Me.WeightInKilos
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@height", SqlDbType.Float).Value = Me.HeightInMeters
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@age", SqlDbType.TinyInt).Value = Me.Age
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@bodyfat", SqlDbType.Float, 100).Value = Me.PercentBodyFat
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@elbow", SqlDbType.TinyInt, 100).Value = Me.ElbowMeasurementInCentimeters
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@rdate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = Me.ReportDate
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@gender", SqlDbType.TinyInt, 100).Value = Me.Gender

            If cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() <> 1 Then Throw New ApplicationException("Failed to insert row into databse.")
        End Using

    End Using

(By the way, this also doesn't work:

    Using da As New SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Reports", conn)
            Dim ds As New DietSafetyCheckerReportsDataSet()
            Dim dt As DietSafetyCheckerReportsDataSet.ReportsDataTable
            dt = DirectCast(ds.Tables("Reports"), DietSafetyCheckerReportsDataSet.ReportsDataTable)
            Dim dr As DietSafetyCheckerReportsDataSet.ReportsRow = dt.NewReportsRow()
            dr.Age = Me.Age
            dr.ElbowMeasurementInCentimeters = Me.ElbowMeasurementInCentimeters
            dr.Gender = Me.Gender
            dr.HeightInMeters = Me.HeightInMeters
            dr.PatientID = Me.PatientID
            dr.PercentBodyFat = Me.PercentBodyFat
            dr.PreparedBy = Me.PreparedBy
            dr.PreparedFor = Me.PreparedFor
            dr.ReportDate = Me.ReportDate
            dr.WeightInKilos = Me.WeightInKilos
        End Using


  • Look in your bin/debug folder, you probably have more copies of the same database file