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How to route to page using Dynamic Routes in next.js

I am trying to route these urls to [id].js file in next.js, So everything is working for url 2 and 3 below, but its not working for url 1 so I have to create another index.js file which I dont want. Is is possible to use the same [id].js file? for url 1 also.

url 1 -> /settings
url 2 -> /settings/notifications
url 3 -> /settings/security

my file structure

settings > [id].js

getting the id

const router = useRouter()
const { id } = router.query;


  • A file structure like the below is one way to do it:

        > [id]
        > index

    But if you do not want to add an index file you can make use of optional catch-all routes feature. Please note that it comes with other features you might not want and this might change your code a little too.

    This is the structure you will have to follow:

    { } // GET `/post` (empty object)
    { "slug": ["notifications"] } // `GET /settings/notifications ` (single-element array)
    { "slug": ["notifications", "security"] } // `GET /settings/notifications/security ` (multi-element array)