public void iterate(int n){
int i =n;
while (i > 0){
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
i = i/2;
I might argue that the time complexity for this operation is linear because comparing i > 0
would be constant and the for loop inside would be linear. Therefore give a total of linear time.
But in my head, i still think the operation is quadratic.
Could anyone please give me a clearer explanation of the complexities on nested loops. Thanks
As written, the outer loop here isn't really doing anything, since i
is decremented to 0 inside the inner loop. The while loop will only execute one time. The body of the for loop will execute n
times, so the algorithm is O(n).
If you moved i = i/2;
to run after the for loop body, the while loop would execute log(n) times, so the algorithm would be O(n * log(n)).