Is it possible to use both - ssr and lazy-loading for images on the client side. Here is my situation. My markup is rendered with img[src], in my chrome browser I press ctrl+U and can see all images have an src attribute (seo robots will recognize them and I'm happy), but on the client side I need to have img[data-src] for lazy-loading. If I have a data-src attribute on the server-side, the seo robots won't find any src (pressing ctrl + U will prove it), but all images will be displayed with lazy loading... Should I filter the markup before receiving on the client side (actually I'm sure how to implement it in nuxt). Please suggest any ideas or directions to solve the issue?
Here is how to achieve the following:
is doing the heavy lifting here, it's working fine on not-so old browsers6
, you will see that you'll get some network requests going out if increasing the viewport > 1000px (lazy-loaded when scrolling still)<template>
<pre>all the interesting images: {{ pokemon.sprites.other }}</pre>
<div class="reference-breakpoint"></div>
<p>Down below are all the remaining images ⬇️</p>
<img :src="pokemon.sprites.other.dream_world.front_default" />
export default {
async asyncData({ $axios }) {
const pokemon = await $axios.$get(
return { pokemon }
<style scoped>
img {
display: block;
height: 100vh;
width: auto;
.reference-breakpoint {
width: 1000px;
height: 1rem;
background-color: red;
@media (max-width: 1000px) {
.hide-when-mobile {
display: none;
Not satisfied with this one? Here is an intersectionObserver example, a bit more complex but also more powerful/flexible.