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Can I change the Weekday format to be like (Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa) in FSCalendar

I want to change the current week title to two letters, eg: sun to su, mon to mo, in FSCalendar.


  • You Can Create a Xib and set a label or Button as per Your Requirement.

    First Image

    You can do this by adding a subview in fscalendar for weekDays. I ADDED SINGLE LETTER BUT YOU CAN ADD according to your requirements. 1- create View

    Second Image

    User Nib File Like This Yhirs Image

    Final Step

    let week_days_view = weekDaysView.instanceFromNib() as! weekDaysView
    week_days_view.frame = self.fsCalendar.calendarWeekdayView.frame