I'm trying to invoke a pester script, moving from pester V4.6.0 to V5.3.1
The V4 arguments I used to use, when invoking pester were:
-supplying custom parameters
-OutputFormat NUnitXML
-OutputFile $xmlpath
However, it seems for v5, I need to invoke Pester using either a configuration OR a container, neither of which cater fully for the arguments I used in V4. The limitations seem to be:
Invoke-Pester -Configuration $pesterConfig where $pesterConfig doesn't like me specifying custom data params in it, eg: Data = @{dataFactoryName = $dataFactoryName;}
Invoke-Pester -Container $container -ErrorAction Stop -Output Detailed -CI where $container doesn't like me specifying: -OutputFormat NUnitXML -OutputFile $xmlpath -EnableExit
How can I more efficiently use either container or configuration, to allow me to specify the following 4 things:
-supplying custom parameters
-OutputFormat NUnitXML
-OutputFile $xmlpath
One work around, would be to settle for using configuration, which caters for 3 of my 4 arguments, and pass custom data to a file or env variable and read it in within the invoked ps script. Probably not ideal though.
Found a way to use configuration and container together:
$container = New-PesterContainer -Path "..." -Data @{
customParamA= "value";
customParamB= "value";
$pesterConfig = [PesterConfiguration]@{
Run = @{
Exit = $true
Container = $container
Output = @{
Verbosity = 'Detailed'
TestResult = @{
Enabled = $true
OutputFormat = "NUnitXml"
OutputPath = $xmlpath
Should = @{
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Invoke-Pester -Configuration $pesterConfig