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Postgres Sql - How to apply Offset on Timestamp

My offset-date-time object I store in the DB with 2 columns, one timestamp(UTC) column and another corresponding offset.

For example, if I get: 2017-05-01T16:16:35+05:00, in the DB I will store this data in 2 columns the first timestamp will have the value in UTC (2017-05-01T11:16:35), and the offset column will have the +5 timezone in minutes so -300 in minutes.

Now I need select this data from DB, but I need to apply offset and again get the data that was entered: 2017-05-01T16:16:35+05:00.

I can achieve this in Java by selecting both values and applying offset. But I want to do DB level?


  • For example, if I get: 2017-05-01T16:16:35-05:00, in the DB I will store this data in 2 columns the first timestamp will have the value in UTC (2017-05-01T11:16:35), and the offset column will have the -5 timezone in minutes so -300 in minutes. see: UTC offset for PST (ISO 8601 extended format)
    So 2017-05-01T16:16:35-05:00 is an timestamptz type value, therefore at utc timezone value should be 2017-05-01 21:16:35+00!


    create table test_timestamp(
        org text,
        tsz timestamptz,
        ts timestamp,
        offsettz interval

    org as timestamp or timestamptz input text. First we assume that org text format ending with something like '1999-01-08 04:05:06-8:00', the pattern is last part is like [+/-]99:99. the last part refer to the offset time to the UTC.

    • tsz cast text to timestamptz
    • ts ignore timezone, only timestamp.
    • offsettz interval can be positive or negative. offsettz is the pattern [+/-]99:99 text cast to interval. Then create a trigger, the only input is org text, all other 3 column would be computed via trigger.

        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION supporttsz ()
        AS $$
        NEW.tsz := ( at time zone 'utc';
        NEW.ts := ( at time zone 'utc';
        NEW.ts := NEW.ts::timestamp;
        IF SUBSTRING((
        RIGHT (trim( , 5)) , 1 , 1) = '-' THEN
            NEW.offsettz := (
            RIGHT (trim(
                , 5))::interval;
        elsif SUBSTRING((
            RIGHT (trim( , 5)) , 1 , 1) = '+' THEN
            NEW.offsettz := (
            RIGHT (trim(
                , 5))::interval;
        elsif SUBSTRING((
            RIGHT (trim( , 6)) , 1 , 1) = '-' THEN
            NEW.offsettz := (
            RIGHT (trim(
                , 6))::interval;
        elsif SUBSTRING((
            RIGHT (trim( , 6)) , 1 , 1) = '+' THEN
            NEW.offsettz := (
            RIGHT (trim(
                , 6))::interval;
            NEW.offsettz := '0::00'::interval;
        END IF;
        RETURN new;
    LANGUAGE plpgsql;
    CREATE TRIGGER tg_supporttsz_test_timestamp
        BEFORE INSERT ON test_timestamp FOR EACH ROW
        EXECUTE PROCEDURE supporttsz ();