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htaccess: mod_expires.c except one or multiple folders

To the following browser caching via mod_expires.c in the .htaccess...

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 day"

...I would like to add an exception: One or more folders shall not be cached. I tried a version with Directory before </IfModule>, but that led to a 500 Internal Server Error. That

<Directory "/absolute/path/to/specialfolder">
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 seconds"

and that snippet

<Directory "/absolute/path/to/specialfolder">
ExpiresActive Off

What's wrong and what could help? (for one or a few folders)


  • The <Directory> directive is not permitted in a .htaccess context, it can only be used in a server (or virtualhost) context. (Hence the 500 error.)

    The userland/.htaccess way would be to create another .htaccess file in that "specialfolder" with ExpiresActive Off in order to override the parent config.

    Alternatively, you could perhaps use an <If> expression in the root .htaccess file.

    For example:

    # Turn off mod_expires for a specific directory
    <If "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/specialfolder/#"> 
        ExpiresActive Off

    Where REQUEST_URI is the document-root-relative URL-path.

    OR, only use mod_expires when not requesting these folder(s). For example:

    # Only use mod_expires when NOT requesting the specific directories
    <If "%{REQUEST_URI} !~ m#^/(specialfolder|anotherfolder)/#"> 
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 day"

    One or more folders shall not be cached.

    Although disabling mod_expires does not necessarily prevent the resource from being cached. It simply prevents mod_expires from setting the Cache-Control (and Expires) headers. If you specifically want to disable caching then consider explicitly setting the relevant Cache-Control/Expires header(s) directly.

    For example:

    # Set env var when special "none-cache" folder requested:
    SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/(specialfolder|anotherfolder)/" NOCACHE
    # Set no-cache headers if NOCACHE env var is set
    Header always set Cache-Control "no-store" env=NOCACHE
    Header always set Expires "0" env=NOCACHE

    In this example, you do not need to disable mod_expires since the Header directive will override mod_expires (since mod_headers is processed after mod_expires).