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Deleting an FFT plan in scikit-cuda destroys the pycuda context

I would like to use pycuda and the FFT functions from scikit-cuda together. The code below

  • creates a skcuda.fft.Plan,
  • deletes that plan and then
  • tries to allocate a pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray.
import pycuda.autoinit

import numpy as np
import pycuda
import skcuda
import skcuda.fft as cufft

plan = cufft.Plan((2,2), np.complex64, np.complex64)

del plan # equivalent to `skcuda.cufft.cufftDestroy(plan.handle)`
#skcuda.cufft.cufftDestroy(plan.handle) # equivalent to `del plan`

pycuda.gpuarray.empty((2,2), np.float32)

The last line throws pycuda._driver.LogicError: cuMemAlloc failed: context is destroyed.

Somehow, skcuda.cufft.cufftDestroy(plan.handle) also destroys the pycuda context (which is of type pycuda._driver.Context).

Can somebody see a good fix?


  • The master replied (

    By using pycuda.autoinit, you're putting pycuda in charge of context management. That's not typically a good recipe for interacting with libraries that use the CUDA runtime API (like cuFFT, to my understanding). You might be better off retaining the "primary context" made by/for the runtime API and using that instead.

    The solution to my specific problem above is retaining the primary context instead of letting pyCUDA create a new context. The easiest way to do this is via:

    import pycuda.autoprimaryctx instead of import pycuda.autoinit

    Voila, everything works now. See also the documentation and the code for pycuda.autoprimaryctx.