Search code examples

Continuous subset and ranking using sql

I have a dataset like below:
enter image description here

Now, I need the output as below:

start_time  end_time    count
10:01   10:04   3
10:05   10:07   2 

For this purpose, I wrote a query but it is not giving me the desired sequence. My query is as below:

with on_off as 
select  time,status,case when status!=lag(status) over(order by time) then 1 else 0 end as continuous_count
  from time_status
grp as 
  select *, row_number() over(partition by continuous_count order by time) rnk from  on_off
select * from grp order by time  

It generates the output as below:
enter image description here

But in the rank section I need something as below:
enter image description here

So, what exactly am I doing wrong here?

Here are the PostgresSQL DDLs:

create table time_status(time varchar(10)  null, status varchar(10) null);

INSERT into  time_status(time,status) values('10:01','ON');
INSERT into  time_status(time,status) values('10:02','ON');
INSERT into  time_status(time,status) values('10:03','ON');
INSERT into  time_status(time,status) values('10:04','OFF');
INSERT into  time_status(time,status) values('10:05','ON');
INSERT into  time_status(time,status) values('10:06','ON');
INSERT into  time_status(time,status) values('10:07','OFF');


  • Try this query:

    SELECT min(time) as start_time,
           max(time) as end_time,
           sum(case when status = 'ON' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
      FROM (SELECT time, status,
                   sum(case when status = 'OFF' then 1 else 0 end)
                     over (order by time desc) as grp
              FROM time_status) _
     GROUP BY grp
     ORDER BY min(time);
