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Bigquery Multiple Tables access with Terraform with dynamic table name

I am trying to create multiple table access using a local list and pass values into a single resource block:

locals {
   map_of_all_tables = [
     "table_name" : "table1"
     "dataset_id" : "dataset_id1"
     "table_id"   : "table_id1"
     "table_name" : "table2"
     "dataset_id" : "dataset_id2"
     "table_id"   : "table_id2"
resource "google_bigquery_table_iam_member" "access" {
   count = contains(var.table_name_list, local.map_of_all_tables[*].table_name) ? <(no. of matching tables)> : 0
   project = "test-project1"
   dataset_id = locals.map_of_all_tables[<indexOfMatchingTable>].dataset_id #dataset_id of matching table name
   table_id = locals.map_of_all_tables[<indexOfMatchingTable>].table_id #table_id of matching table name
   role = "roles/bigquery.dataViewer"
   member = "user:${var.user_email}"

If the var.table_name_list contains any number of tables which matches the table name in the local list, it should create the resource "access[]" for each of these tables using the dataset ids and table ids from the list for these particular tables. Is this possible in Terraform? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • If I understand your question correctly, you have a list of tables in var.table_name_list var for which access needs to be given. All the tables are present in local.map_of_all_tables local variable & you want to filter it against var.table_name_list.

    I'm assuming above scenarios as you haven't told how var.table_name_list looks like..

    locals {
      map_of_all_tables = [
          "table_name" : "table1"
          "dataset_id" : "dataset_id1"
          "table_id" : "table_id1"
          "table_name" : "table2"
          "dataset_id" : "dataset_id2"
          "table_id" : "table_id2"
          "table_name" : "table3"
          "dataset_id" : "dataset_id3"
          "table_id" : "table_id3"
      ## this will filter
      table_access_list = [for table in local.map_of_all_tables : table if contains(var.table_name_list, table.table_name)]
    ## assuming the var like below
    variable "table_name_list" {
      type    = list(any)
      default = ["table1", "table2"]
    ## output displaying the filtered tables
    output "table_access_list" {
        value = local.table_access_list

    Then, you could iterate over the local.table_access_list var to grant access only to desired tables.

    resource "google_bigquery_table_iam_member" "access" {
       for_each = {
          for table_access in local.table_access_list : table_access.table_name => table_access
       project = "test-project1-${each.value.table_name}"
       dataset_id = local.table_access_list[each.value.table_name].dataset_id #dataset_id of matching table name
       table_id = local.table_access_list[each.value.table_name].table_id #table_id of matching table name
       role = "roles/bigquery.dataViewer"
       member = "user:${var.user_email}"