I would like to get the number of partitions within a topic but the API is difficult to understand at best.
I found the following, but, the topic information doesn't contain the numbers of partitions.
import confluent_kafka
from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient, ConfigResource
kafkaServers = ["***","****"]
bootstrapServers = ",".join(kafkaServers)
adminClient = AdminClient({
'bootstrap.servers': bootstrapServers
result = adminClient.describe_configs([ConfigResource(confluent_kafka.admin.RESOURCE_TOPIC, "model-detections-dev")])
config = list(result.values())[0].result()
how can I get the number of partitions?
Partitions are not a "topic config" to be gotten from the AdminClient.
You can use a Consumer instance to get them
returns ClusterMetadata
, which holds a map of topics to TopicMetadata
, which has a partitions
attribute. Take its length to find number of partitions.