I am trying to use an external library from Pascal that I have successfully used from C before. In order to use this library I have been provided a .h file, a .dll file and a .lib file.
I converted the .h file using the h2pas utility but I am getting the following errors (which I suspect are linker-related):
Error: (5009) Forward type not resolved "XPRSbranchobject"
This appears to be the offending line:
XPRSbranchobject = ^xo_user_branch_entity_s ;
How do I let Lazarus know that xo_user_branch_entity_s
is part of the external library?
You could simply write:
xo_user_branch_entity_s = record
a: integer; // <-- probably redundant
XPRSbranchobject = ^xo_user_branch_entity_s;
You must be sure you never (de)allocate such object (the record, either directly or via pointer); if the sources tries to access internal members, the compiler will complain.
This implies that allocation/deallocation is done by the DLL.
It should (could?) work...