I am trying to update the docker of my project using docker compose, using the Oracle Database 19c Enterprise edition, WebLogic Server 12.1.4 and the Java Server JRE for java 8. I have written a script that creates the base images for the DB and weblogic server and then proceeds to use the docker-compose up for the yaml that I have written.
The structure of the projects consists of the oracle base images, pulled from the official oracle images on github, and then I have created my own Dockerfiles to extend these images. My issue is on the Oracle DB Dockerfile, where I am not sure on how to proceed. At this point the installation gets stuck after completing the database and doesnt proceed to weblogic installation and not even creating a seperate container..
ENV ORACLE_PWD="password"
ENV ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1
ADD db-assets /tmp/db-assets
COPY ./wait_db.sh $ORACLE_BASE/
COPY ./runDBscripts.sh $ORACLE_BASE/
COPY ./runOracle.sh $ORACLE_BASE/
USER root
RUN chmod ug+x $ORACLE_BASE/*.sh
USER oracle
RUN $ORACLE_BASE/runOracle.sh &&\
$ORACLE_BASE/wait_db.sh && \
CMD $ORACLE_BASE/wait_db.sh
I have tried a bunch of combinations to get this working. Have I added any commands where there shouldn't have been? docker-compose.yml:
version: '2'
context: db/
dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: oracle/database
- "10000:1521"
- "10001:22"
shm_size: 1G
context: app/
dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: oracle/weblogic:
- 10003:7001
- 10004:7002
- db
command: >
/bin/bash -c "
echo sleeping while db is starting;
sleep 90;
#script for starting a managed server on weblogic@
I have spent a lot of time trying to make this work and it really frustrates me that I can't get it right. Any help will be really appreciated
Found it! I was making things way more complicated, my solution is to make the Dockerfile as simple as possible, only copying the database scripts. and switching to user oracle. I also followed this post How do I check if Oracle is up in Docker? to setup the healthcheck and everything works perfectly.