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Fancybox - Updating size of fancybox with Iframe content?

On my site I open up a fancybox containing IFRAME content. Is it possible to update the size of the fancybox when a link is clicked within it?

For example, I have it set to 535px width initially, when a specific link is clicked I'd like the fancybox to resize to 900px width.

Any idea how I can achieve this?



  • I think I just have the same problem and in my case, fancybox.resize didn't work but this worked for me:

      'hideOnContentClick' : true,
      'width' : 500,
      'type' : 'iframe',
      'padding' : 35,
      'onComplete' : function() {
        $('#fancybox-frame').load(function() { // wait for frame to load and then gets it's height

    Credit to Ian Hoar to posting that here: