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Handling SMILES with metal ions in RDKit

I have the following function that takes a dictionary of SMILES strings and converts them to RDKit mol objects.

def smiles_dict_to_mol_list(smiles_dict):
    """smiles dict is a dictionary object containing molecule names
    as keys and smiles strings as values.

    The return value is a list of RDKit mol objects.

    smiles_as_mol = []
    for mol_name, smiles_string in smiles_dict.items():
            mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles_string)
            mol.SetProp("_Name", mol_name)
            print("Error processing:", mol_name)

    return smiles_as_mol

This function normally works very well and I can convert any SMILES into a mol object, but when I try to convert the below structure I get an exception. I believe that this is because this compound, and others that also give exceptions, have a coordinated metal ion. In this case platinum. It is also possible that the SMILES string I am using is the problem, but I don't know how I would tell the difference.

enter image description here

N2W: COc1cc(cc(c1O)OC)[C@@H]2c3cc4c(cc3[C@H]([C@@H]5[C@H]2C(=O)OC5)NC(=O)CC[C@@H]6C[NH2][Pt]([NH2]6)Cl)OCO4

So my question is: How can I change my RDKit code so I can work with compounds that have metal atoms?


  • The problem is the SMILES not the Pt.

    To get a mol from a bad SMILES set the sanitize flag to False.

    from rdkit import Chem
    from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
    IPythonConsole.molSize = (600,300)
    IPythonConsole.drawOptions.addAtomIndices = True
    s = 'COc1cc(cc(c1O)OC)[C@@H]2c3cc4c(cc3[C@H]([C@@H]5[C@H]2C(=O)OC5)NC(=O)CC[C@@H]6C[NH2][Pt]([NH2]6)Cl)OCO4'
    m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(s, sanitize=False)


    But now you have a bad molecule.

    There a 2 nitrogens with 4 bonds.

    problems = Chem.DetectChemistryProblems(m)
    for p in problems:
    Explicit valence for atom # 32 N, 4, is greater than permitted
    Explicit valence for atom # 34 N, 4, is greater than permitted


    In the RDKit Cookbook there a example how to work with dative bonds.

    Tried it with your SMILES and it worked