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JBPM Business central - Data set not working with aggregate function

I have an issue with the Data set - Execution server. I am using PostgreSQL as DB. I want to calculate the difference between the two dates column for my report. The query I have used in DB is:

Query 1:

SELECT end_date as end,
               start_date as start,
               processid as pidd,
              AGE(end_date, start_date) as duration
  from processinstancelog

Query 2:

select end_date,start_date,processid, end_date - start_date as
duration from processinstancelog

Both queries reflecting the correct expected result in Postgres DB. But when I am using the same queries in the Data set>Execution server it's not showing the "duration" column.


Can anyone please advise what is issue why the data set is not showing the duration column?

Many Thanks


  • Answer, I deleted the old setup and installed the new setup for JBPM and data set start appearing