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How to convert "numeric string" to a date object using `as.Date()`?

I have a list of calendar dates in a data frame given in the format:


which standard for 2000-01-10, 2000-01-17, 2000-01-24, etc.

However, using

df %>% mutate(date= as.Date(df$data, format = "%Y%m%d") )

does not work. It springs an error asking me to supply an origin, which is an optional input for as.Date(). If I then supply the first date in my list as the origin, it gives me completely wrong dates:

df %>% mutate(date= as.Date(df$data, format = "%Y%m%d", origin="20000110") )


  • Your date is of class "numeric", so as.Date.numeric is dispatched which has origin= as second argument. So all you have to do is coerce as.character to dispatch as.Date.character, which has the desired format= argument.

    transform(df, date=as.Date(as.character(date), '%Y%m%d'))
    #         date
    # 1 2000-01-10
    # 2 2000-01-17
    # 3 2000-01-24

    Normally the origin= is January 1, 1970, the so-called Unix epoch, and a numeric "date" is the number of days since then (in "POSIXt" format seconds).

    # Error in as.Date.numeric(as.numeric(Sys.Date())) : 
    #   'origin' must be supplied
    as.Date(as.numeric(Sys.Date()), origin='1970-01-01')
    # [1] "2022-05-12"

    Obviously this wouldn't make sense with your kind of numerics.


    df <- structure(list(date = c(20000110, 20000117, 20000124)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 