I'm having a problem viewing image fron the storage folder, here are the codes:
->editColumn('image_path', function ($submission) {
$imgUrl = asset('storage' . str_replace('public', '', $submission->image_path));
return "<img src=\"{$imgUrl}\" alt=\"Gambar Barang\" width=\"250\" />";
I tried php artisan storage:link it says the link already exists, last time the image was showing but after i deleted my project folder and pasted a new one the images doesn't showing.
Laravel generate cache version of that storage link..
Step 1
Delete the storage folder created by storage link command inside a public folder on your root directory
Step 2
Then execute these commands
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan storage:link
The output on terminal should be
The [public/storage] link has been connected to [storage/app/public].