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C text formatter characters count is off

So I have an assignment to format text according to rules and eventually print out the number of characters in the string (including \n and spaces, anything but the \0 at the end of the string).

Basically, a valid input is ended with a dot but I think I have a few more whitespaces after the final dots. I have tried several approaches such as loop that replaces spaces with \0 starting from the end of the string. nothing seems to work though...

EDIT The requirements are:

  1. to convert double-dots(..) to a new line
  2. delete multiple spaces leaving only one,
  3. making sure that there isn't a space prior to a comma or a dot
  4. making sure that there is single space after a comma or dot.
  5. not changing the original content between apostrophes.
  6. and validating that there are Capital letters only in the correct places (new line\paragraph).

we are required to do all of the code in the main function (unfortunately) and me code usually mistake the characters count by 1-2 extra in the count (probably do to extra spaces after the last dot

this is an example of input that my code fails at counting characters

the LANGUAGE  "C" is a procedural              programming language     .It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"..            the Main feAtures of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style                .
int main() {
    char ans;

    printf("*************** Welcome to the text cleaner ***************\n\n");

        int length, i, j = 0;
        int word, sentence, para, space;
        char tin[601], tout[601], * dex, * pos;
        printf("\nPlease enter text:\n");
        gets_s(tin, 600);
        length = strlen(tin);

        dex = strchr(tin, '.'); //converts double dots to new line
        while (dex != NULL)
            if (tin[dex - tin + 1] == '.') {
                tin[dex - tin + 1] = '\n';
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');
        length = strlen(tin);

        dex = strchr(tin, ' '); //converting multiple spaces to single space
        while (dex != NULL)
            while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin + 1] == ' ')
                for (i = dex - tin + 1; i < strlen(tin); i++)
                    tin[i - 1] = tin[i];
                dex = strchr(dex, ' ');
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, ' ');

        tin[length - j] = '\0';
        j = 0;

        dex = strchr(tin, '\n');

        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex-tin+1] == ' ') //delets spaces in the beggining of new row
            for (i = dex - tin + 1;i < strlen(tin);i++) {
                tin[i] = tin[i + 1];
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '\n');

        dex = strchr(tin, ','); //deletes space before comma
        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin - 1] == ' ')
            for (i = dex - tin - 1; i < strlen(tin); i++)
                tin[i] = tin[i+1];
            dex = strchr(dex+1, ',');

        dex = strchr(tin, '.'); //deletes space before dots
        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin - 1] == ' ')
            for (i = dex - tin - 1; i < strlen(tin); i++)
                tin[i] = tin[i+1];
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');

        dex = strchr(tin, ','); // adds space after comma
        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin + 1] != ' ')    
            if (tin[dex - tin + 1] != '\n')
                tin[strlen(tin) + 1] = '\0';
                for (i = strlen(tin); i > dex - tin; i--)
                    if (i == dex - tin + 1)
                        tin[i] = ' ';
                        tin[i] = tin[i - 1];
                dex = strchr(dex + 1, ',');

        dex = strchr(tin, '.'); // adds space after dot

        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin + 1] != ' ')
                tin[strlen(tin) + 1] = '\0';
                if (tin[dex - tin + 1] == '\n')
                    dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');
                    for (i = strlen(tin); i > dex - tin; i--)
                        if (i == dex - tin + 1)
                            tin[i] = ' ';
                            tin[i] = tin[i - 1];
                    dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');

        strcpy_s(tout, sizeof(tout), tin);
        _strlwr_s(tout,sizeof(tout)); //copies and lowercasing the input string

        dex = strchr(tin, '"');
        if (dex != NULL) {
            pos = strchr(dex + 1, '"');

            while (dex != NULL)
                for (i = dex - tin; i < pos - tin; i++) {
                    tout[i] = tin[i];
                dex = strchr(pos + 1, '"');
                if (dex)
                    pos = strchr(dex + 1, '"');
            }  //making sure that the letters in the quotes have't been lowercased
        _strupr_s(tin, sizeof(tin));

        dex = strchr(tout, '.');
        pos = strchr(tin, '.');
        while (dex != NULL && pos != NULL)
                tout[dex - tout + 2] = tin[pos - tin + 2];
                dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');     
                pos = strchr(pos + 1, '.');

        dex = strchr(tout, '.'); //deletes space before dots
        while (dex != NULL)
            if (tout[dex - tout - 1] == ' ')
                for (i = dex - tout - 1; i < strlen(tout); i++)
                    tout[i] = tout[i+1];
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');

        if (tout[0] == ' ') {
            for (i = 0 ;i < strlen(tout); i++) {
                tout[i] = tout[i + 1];
        }//handeling single space in the beggining of the string

        if (tout[0] >= 'a' && tout[0] <= 'z') {
            tout[0] -= 32;
        } //First letter always capital

        word = 0;
        sentence = 0;
        para = 1;
        space = 0;
        length = strlen(tout);

        for (i = 0; tout[i] != '\0';i++)
            if (tout[i] == ' ' && tout[i + 1] != ' ')

        dex = strchr(tout, '.');
        while (dex != NULL)
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');

        dex = strchr(tout, '\n');
        while (dex != NULL)
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '\n');

        //dex = strchr(tout, '-');
        //while (dex != NULL)
        //  word++;
        //  dex = strchr(dex + 1, '-');

        printf_s("\nText after cleaning:\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
        printf_s("%s\n\n", tout);
        printf_s("characters: %d | words: %d | sentences: %d | paragraphs: %d\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",length, word, sentence, para);
        printf_s("\nIf you want to clean another string press (y): ");
        scanf_s(" %c", &ans, 1);
        if (ans == 'y')
            gets_s(tin, 600);

    } while (ans =='y');


  • As I mentioned in the top comments, this can be done in a single loop with state variables.

    A few assumptions:

    1. Whenever we see .. (which is converted to a newline), it starts a new paragraph
    2. What you called "apostrophe", I'm calling a double quote (as that's the only thing that made sense).
    3. Within quotes nothing is converted
    4. Quotes [themselves] are copied over (i.e. not stripped)

    Unfortunately, I had to completely refactor the code. It is annotated. I realize you have to only use main. The extra functions are merely for debug, so they "don't count":

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    int opt_d;                          // debug
    int opt_quo;                        // preserve quote
    #if DEBUG
    #define dbgprt(_fmt...) \
        do { \
            if (opt_d) \
                printf(_fmt); \
        } while (0)
    #define dbgprt(_fmt...)         do { } while (0)
    #define COPYX(_chr) \
        do { \
            *dst++ = _chr; \
            dbgprt("COPY %2.2X/%s\n",_chr,showchr(_chr)); \
        } while (0)
    #define COPY \
    #define WHITEOUT \
        do { \
            if (! white) \
                break; \
            COPYX(' '); \
            white = 0; \
            ctr_word += 1; \
        } while (0)
    const char *
    showchr(int chr)
        static char buf[10];
        if ((chr >= 0x20) && (chr <= 0x7E))
        return buf;
    showbuf(const char *buf,const char *who)
        const char *sep = "'";
        printf("%s: %s",who,sep);
        for (int chr = *buf++;  chr != 0;  chr = *buf++)
    main(int argc,char **argv)
        char inp[1000];
        char buf[1000];
        char *src;
        char *dst;
        for (;  argc > 0;  --argc, ++argv) {
            char *cp = *argv;
            if (*cp != '-')
            cp += 2;
            switch (cp[-1]) {
            case 'd':
                opt_d = ! opt_d;
            case 'q':
                opt_quo = ! opt_quo;
        opt_quo = ! opt_quo;
        const char *file;
        if (argc > 0)
            file = *argv;
            file = "inp.txt";
        FILE *xfsrc = fopen(file,"r");
        if (xfsrc == NULL) {
        while (fgets(inp,sizeof(inp),xfsrc) != NULL) {
            src = buf;
            dst = buf;
            int quo = 0;
            int white = 0;
            int dot = 1;
            int ctr_sent = 0;
            int ctr_word = 0;
            int ctr_para = 1;
            for (int chr = *src++;  chr != 0;  chr = *src++) {
                dbgprt("LOOP %2.2X/%s quo=%d white=%d dot=%d word=%d sent=%d para=%d\n",
                // got a quote
                if (chr == '"') {
                    if (! quo)
                    if (opt_quo)
                    quo = ! quo;
                // non-quote
                else {
                    if (quo) {
                // got a dot
                if (chr == '.') {
                    dot = 1;
                    // double dot --> newline (new paragraph)
                    if (*src == '.') {
                        ctr_para += 1;
                    white = 1;
                // from fgets, this can _only_ occur at the end of the buffer
                if (chr == '\n') {
                    dot = 1;
                    white = 1;
                // accumulate/skip over whitespace
                if (chr == ' ') {
                    white = 1;
                // output accumulated whitespace
                // got uppercase -- convert to lowercase if we're not at the start
                // of a sentence
                if (isupper(chr)) {
                    if (! dot)
                        chr = tolower(chr);
                // got lowercase -- capitalize if we're just starting a sentence
                else {
                    if (islower(chr)) {
                        if (dot)
                            chr = toupper(chr);
                // count sentences
                if (dot)
                    ctr_sent += 1;
                dot = 0;
            *dst = 0;
    #if 0
            if (dot)
                ctr_word += 1;
            printf("TOTAL: length=%zu sentences=%d paragraphs=%d words=%d\n",
        return 0;

    Here is the program output:

    inp: 'the LANGUAGE  "C" is a procedural              programming language     .It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"..            the Main feAtures of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style                .{0A}'
    buf: 'The language "C" is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"{0A} The main features of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style.{0A}'
    TOTAL: length=214 sentences=3 paragraphs=2 words=31


    Great, thank you! I've taken what you've done and implemented it on my code, basically, the professor restricted us to us only stdio.h and string.h libraries so I couldn't use any other functions... – Nitai Dan

    You're welcome!

    I'm glad you were able to incorporate my code into yours. That's the best of all possible scenarios for learning.

    I wasn't sure I had added enough annotation to make my algorithm clear, so I had cleaned it up a bit and was debating whether to post it or not. It is posted below.

    Based on what you just said, I'm [still] not sure whether creating your own functions would have been allowed. As I said, debug functions would [probably] be okay if they don't change the algorithm.

    Anyway, here is the updated code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    int opt_d;                          // debug
    int opt_quo;                        // preserve quote
    int opt_x;                          // show space as hex
    #define _dbgprt(_fmt...) \
    #if DEBUG
    #define dbgprt(_fmt...) \
        do { \
            if (opt_d) \
                _dbgprt(_fmt); \
        } while (0)
    #define dbgprt(_fmt...)         do { } while (0)
    #if DEBUG
    #define COPYX(_chr) \
        do { \
            *dst++ = _chr; \
            copy = 1; \
            if (_chr != src[-1]) \
                _dbgprt(" COPY %s\n",_showchr(_chr,1)); \
        } while (0)
    #define COPYX(_chr) \
        do { \
            *dst++ = _chr; \
        } while (0)
    #define COPY \
    // output accumulated white space and increment count of number of words
    #define SPACEOUT \
        do { \
            if (! spc) \
                break; \
            spc = 0; \
            COPYX(' '); \
            ctr_word += 1; \
        } while (0)
    const char *
    _showchr(int chr,int xflg)
        static char buf[10];
        int lo = xflg ? 0x21 : 0x20;
        if ((chr >= lo) && (chr <= 0x7E))
        return buf;
    const char *
    showchr(int chr)
        return _showchr(chr,opt_x);
    showbuf(const char *buf,const char *who)
        const char *sep = "'";
        printf("%s: %s",who,sep);
        for (int chr = *buf++;  chr != 0;  chr = *buf++)
    dbgint(const char *sym,int val)
        do {
            int ctr = isupper(sym[0]);
            if (! ctr) {
                if (! val)
            _dbgprt(" %s",sym);
            if (ctr)
        } while (0);
    main(int argc,char **argv)
        char inp[1000];
        char buf[1000];
        char *src;
        char *dst;
        for (;  argc > 0;  --argc, ++argv) {
            char *cp = *argv;
            if (*cp != '-')
            cp += 2;
            switch (cp[-1]) {
            case 'd':
                opt_d = ! opt_d;
            case 'q':
                opt_quo = ! opt_quo;
            case 'x':
                opt_x = (*cp != 0) ? atoi(cp) : 1;
        opt_quo = ! opt_quo;
        const char *file;
        if (argc > 0)
            file = *argv;
            file = "inp.txt";
        FILE *xfsrc = fopen(file,"r");
        if (xfsrc == NULL) {
        while (fgets(inp,sizeof(inp),xfsrc) != NULL) {
            src = buf;
            dst = buf;
            // state variables
            int quo = 0;  // 1=within quoted string
            int spc = 0;  // 1=space seen
            int dot = 1;  // 1=period/newline seen
            // counters
            int ctr_sent = 0;  // number of sentences
            int ctr_word = 0;  // number of words
            int ctr_para = 1;  // number of paragraphs
    #if DEBUG
            int copy = 0;
            int ochr = 0;
            for (int chr = *src++;  chr != 0;  chr = *src++) {
    #if DEBUG
                if (opt_d) {
                    // show if we skipped the prior char (and it was _not_ a space)
                    if ((! copy) && (ochr != ' '))
                    copy = 0;
                    ochr = chr;
                    _dbgprt("LOOP %s",showchr(chr));
                // got a quote
                if (chr == '"') {
                    // flush whitespace if starting a quoted string
                    if (! quo)
                    // copy the quote
                    if (opt_quo)
                    // flip the quote mode
                    quo = ! quo;
                // non-quote
                else {
                    // if inside a quoted string, just copy out the char verbatim
                    if (quo) {
                // got a dot
                if (chr == '.') {
                    dot = 1;
                    // double dot --> newline (new paragraph)
                    if (*src == '.') {
                        ctr_para += 1;
                    // force whitespace mode (ensure space after dot)
                    // (e.g.) change:
                    //   i go.he goes.
                    // into:
                    //   i go. he goes.
                    spc = 1;
                // from fgets, this can _only_ occur at the end of the buffer
                if (chr == '\n') {
                    dot = 1;
                    spc = 1;
                // accumulate/skip over whitespace
                if (chr == ' ') {
                    spc = 1;
                // output accumulated whitespace
                // convert case
                if (dot)
                    chr = toupper(chr);
                    chr = tolower(chr);
                // output the current character -- it's _not_ special
                // count sentences
                if (dot)
                    ctr_sent += 1;
                // we're no longer at the start of a sentence
                dot = 0;
            *dst = 0;
            if (opt_x == 1)
                opt_x = 0;
    #if 0
            if (dot)
                ctr_word += 1;
            printf("TOTAL: length=%zu sentences=%d paragraphs=%d words=%d\n",
        return 0;

    Output with -d:

    LOOP t W:0 S:0 P:1 dot
    LOOP h W:0 S:1 P:1
    LOOP e W:0 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:0 S:1 P:1
    LOOP L W:0 S:1 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP A W:1 S:1 P:1
    LOOP N W:1 S:1 P:1
    LOOP G W:1 S:1 P:1
    LOOP U W:1 S:1 P:1
    LOOP A W:1 S:1 P:1
    LOOP G W:1 S:1 P:1
    LOOP E W:1 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:1 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:1 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP " W:1 S:1 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP C W:2 S:1 P:1 quo
    LOOP " W:2 S:1 P:1 quo
    LOOP   W:2 S:1 P:1
    LOOP i W:2 S:1 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP s W:3 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:3 S:1 P:1
    LOOP a W:3 S:1 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP   W:4 S:1 P:1
    LOOP p W:4 S:1 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP r W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP o W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP c W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP e W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP d W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP u W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP r W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP a W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP l W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP p W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP r W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP o W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP g W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP r W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP a W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP m W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP m W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP i W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP n W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP g W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:6 S:1 P:1
    LOOP l W:6 S:1 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP a W:7 S:1 P:1
    LOOP n W:7 S:1 P:1
    LOOP g W:7 S:1 P:1
    LOOP u W:7 S:1 P:1
    LOOP a W:7 S:1 P:1
    LOOP g W:7 S:1 P:1
    LOOP e W:7 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1
    LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP . W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
    LOOP I W:7 S:1 P:1 spc dot
     COPY {20}
    LOOP t W:8 S:2 P:1
    LOOP   W:8 S:2 P:1
    LOOP w W:8 S:2 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP a W:9 S:2 P:1
    LOOP s W:9 S:2 P:1
    LOOP   W:9 S:2 P:1
    LOOP i W:9 S:2 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP n W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP i W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP t W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP i W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP a W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP l W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP l W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP y W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP   W:10 S:2 P:1
    LOOP d W:10 S:2 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP e W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP v W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP e W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP l W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP o W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP p W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP e W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP d W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP   W:11 S:2 P:1
    LOOP b W:11 S:2 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP y W:12 S:2 P:1
    LOOP   W:12 S:2 P:1
    LOOP " W:12 S:2 P:1 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP D W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP e W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP n W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP n W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP i W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP s W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP R W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP i W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP t W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP c W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP h W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP i W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP e W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP " W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
    LOOP . W:13 S:2 P:1
     COPY {0A}
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
    LOOP t W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
     COPY {20}
     COPY T
    LOOP h W:14 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:14 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:14 S:3 P:2
    LOOP M W:14 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
     COPY m
    LOOP a W:15 S:3 P:2
    LOOP i W:15 S:3 P:2
    LOOP n W:15 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:15 S:3 P:2
    LOOP f W:15 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP e W:16 S:3 P:2
    LOOP A W:16 S:3 P:2
     COPY a
    LOOP t W:16 S:3 P:2
    LOOP u W:16 S:3 P:2
    LOOP r W:16 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:16 S:3 P:2
    LOOP s W:16 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:16 S:3 P:2
    LOOP o W:16 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP f W:17 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:17 S:3 P:2
    LOOP " W:17 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP C W:18 S:3 P:2 quo
    LOOP " W:18 S:3 P:2 quo
    LOOP   W:18 S:3 P:2
    LOOP l W:18 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP a W:19 S:3 P:2
    LOOP n W:19 S:3 P:2
    LOOP g W:19 S:3 P:2
    LOOP u W:19 S:3 P:2
    LOOP a W:19 S:3 P:2
    LOOP g W:19 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:19 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:19 S:3 P:2
    LOOP i W:19 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP n W:20 S:3 P:2
    LOOP c W:20 S:3 P:2
    LOOP l W:20 S:3 P:2
    LOOP u W:20 S:3 P:2
    LOOP d W:20 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:20 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:20 S:3 P:2
    LOOP l W:20 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP o W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP w W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP - W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP l W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP v W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP l W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:21 S:3 P:2
    LOOP a W:21 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP c W:22 S:3 P:2
    LOOP c W:22 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:22 S:3 P:2
    LOOP s W:22 S:3 P:2
    LOOP s W:22 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:22 S:3 P:2
    LOOP t W:22 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP o W:23 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:23 S:3 P:2
    LOOP m W:23 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP e W:24 S:3 P:2
    LOOP m W:24 S:3 P:2
    LOOP o W:24 S:3 P:2
    LOOP r W:24 S:3 P:2
    LOOP y W:24 S:3 P:2
    LOOP , W:24 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:24 S:3 P:2
    LOOP s W:24 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP i W:25 S:3 P:2
    LOOP m W:25 S:3 P:2
    LOOP p W:25 S:3 P:2
    LOOP l W:25 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:25 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:25 S:3 P:2
    LOOP s W:25 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP e W:26 S:3 P:2
    LOOP t W:26 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:26 S:3 P:2
    LOOP o W:26 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP f W:27 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:27 S:3 P:2
    LOOP k W:27 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP e W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP y W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP w W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP o W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP r W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP d W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP s W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP , W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:28 S:3 P:2
    LOOP a W:28 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP n W:29 S:3 P:2
    LOOP d W:29 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:29 S:3 P:2
    LOOP c W:29 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP l W:30 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:30 S:3 P:2
    LOOP a W:30 S:3 P:2
    LOOP n W:30 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:30 S:3 P:2
    LOOP s W:30 S:3 P:2 spc
     COPY {20}
    LOOP t W:31 S:3 P:2
    LOOP y W:31 S:3 P:2
    LOOP l W:31 S:3 P:2
    LOOP e W:31 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP . W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
    LOOP {0A} W:31 S:3 P:2 spc dot
    inp: 'the LANGUAGE  "C" is a procedural              programming language     .It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"..            the Main feAtures of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style                .{0A}'
    buf: 'The language "C" is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"{0A} The main features of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style.{0A}'
    TOTAL: length=214 sentences=3 paragraphs=2 words=31