verifyActiveInterfacesViaConnectionStatus() {
var sum = 0
var i;
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
cy.xpath(`(//*[name()='g' and @class ='highcharts-label highcharts-data-label highcharts-data-label-color-undefined']//*[name()='text']//*[@class='highcharts-text-outline'])[${i}]`).invoke("text").then(($text1) => {
var textValue1 = $text1 + "\n"
var total = parseInt(textValue1)
sum += total
cy.log("Total of all connected OS= " + sum)
In the cypress automation, when I'm running this block of code it is returning the sum=0 but I don't know why it is displaying 0. Please help me out.
Cypress commands are asynchronous.
captures the sum
value before the first xpath
command gets really executed.
To synchronize access to the sum
you can use a then callback:
verifyActiveInterfacesViaConnectionStatus() {
var sum = 0
var i;
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
cy.xpath(`(//*[name()='g' and @class ='highcharts-label highcharts-data-label highcharts-data-label-color-undefined']//*[name()='text']//*[@class='highcharts-text-outline'])[${i}]`).invoke("text").then(($text1) => {
var textValue1 = $text1 + "\n"
var total = parseInt(textValue1)
sum += total
cy.then(() => {
cy.log("Total of all connected OS= " + sum)
Look at this article for details on how to handle variables at Cypress.