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Is there anyway to debug a windows kernel with secure boot on?

Is there any way/trick that i can debug a windows kernel that has secure boot on? when i try to turn on debug mode when secure boot on windows says that i need to turn it off.

The target machine is a win 10 x64.

EDIT: I am using VMware and this is a guest machine that i want to debug.


  • Here's an alternative to thtse's answer (which did not work for me). I'm going to assume you are on vmware. First, ensure you have secure boot ON, view this in system information

    enter image description here

    Shutdown your system. Add a COM port to vmware, use these settings exactly: enter image description here

    Boot your system. Open an administrator CMD.exe (not powershell), and execute the following:

    bcdedit /dbgsettings serial debugport:2 baudrate:115200
    bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu 1
    bcdedit /bootems 1
    bcdedit /ems 1

    Reboot your system. Once the EMS boot menu shows up, start windbg on your host via an ADMIN CMD.exe:

    windbg.exe -k com:pipe,port=\\.\pipe\com_port,resets=0,reconnect

    Press F8 on the EMS boot menu option, and select 'Debugging Mode'. Windbg should attach. This uses the information from and kernel debug with a vmware machine