I want to update the BuiltList in the state if some condition is met. Here is my reducer
TravelDeductionsStateBuilder _travelDeductionBreakfastToggled(
TravelDeductionsStateBuilder state,
TravelDeductionBreakfastToggledAction action) =>
..days = state.days.build().rebuild((d) {
if (d[action.key].deductions.contains(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST)) {
.rebuild((p0) => p0.remove(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST));
} else {
.rebuild((p0) => p0.add(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST));
I need to add/remove ENUM entry into deductions
but it seems that this update is ignored and I am not able to update this list accordingly. Any tips of what may be wrong?
If anyone wonders this is the solution
TravelDeductionsStateBuilder _travelDeductionBreakfastToggled(
TravelDeductionsStateBuilder state,
TravelDeductionBreakfastToggledAction action) =>
..days = state.days.build().rebuild((d) {
if (d[action.index]
.contains(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST)) {
d[action.index] = d[action.index].rebuild(
(b) => b.deductions.remove(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST));
} else {
d[action.index] = d[action.index]
.rebuild((b) => b.deductions.add(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST));
You can find the explanation here https://github.com/google/built_collection.dart/issues/259#issuecomment-1122390601