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Gatsby i18n: How to avoid creating pages for all locales?

I use gatsby-plugin-react-i18next and WP Polylang for multilanguage site with headless WordPress + gatsby.

The logic is that for pages that haven't translate version in WP Admin I just redirect user to home.

I see that in build I have static files for all locales and all posts event that post haven't translate in WP admin.

How I can skip build static files for some posts that haven't translates?


  • I think your only option is to add them manually in the gatsby-plugin-react-i18next or include them into a regular expression using matchPath and excludeLanguages:

       pages: [
              matchPath: '/:lang?/blog/:uid',
              getLanguageFromPath: true,
              excludeLanguages: ['es']

    Note: you can add several instances in the array of pages.