So I am trying to extract the maximum invoiceNo for current year and this is how I implemented it with PDO:
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(invoiceNo) AS invoiceId FROM invoices WHERE invoiceDate BETWEEN :yearStart AND :yearEnd HAVING invoiceId IS NOT NULL';
if($stmt = $pdo1->prepare($sql)){
$year = date("Y")."-01-01";
$stmt->bindParam(":yearStart", $year);
$year = date("Y")."-12-31";
$stmt->bindParam(":yearEnd", $year);
if($stmt->rowCount() == 1){
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$invoiceNo = $row['invoiceId'];
$response = date("Y").strval(++$invoiceNo);
$response = date("Y")."-0";
However, $response keeps getting assigned to the else clause : .
Hence I was expecting the $response to be 2022-2.
I think there is something wrong with my SQL query and I apologize for that, still learning the ropes!
$sql = "SELECT MAX(arbitInvoiceNo) AS invoiceId FROM invoices WHERE invoiceDate BETWEEN :dateStart AND :dateEnd HAVING invoiceId IS NOT NULL";
if($stmt = $pdo1->prepare($sql)){
$dateStart = date("Y")."-01-01";
$stmt->bindParam(":dateStart", $dateStart);
$dateEnd = date("Y")."-12-31";
$stmt->bindParam(":dateEnd", $dateEnd);
if($stmt->rowCount() == 1){
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$invoiceNo = $row['invoiceId'];
$response = date("Y")."-".strval(++$invoiceNo);
$response = date("Y")."-0";
Changed the way I named the variables in PHP and the placeholders in the SQL query. Thank you ADyson for all the help!