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Estimation fiber length of overlapping fibers from image using python code

I need a help in estimating the accurate fiber length from image. I have developed code in python through which estimation of length is possible up to some extent.
I have used Skan opensource library to get the diameter & length of fiber segments from skeletonized image of fiber. I am facing challenge in tracing the fiber at overlapping point or at Junctions for length estimation. Currently the estimated length is much small than actual image as it estimates only length of segments till the junction point from end point of fiber. It would helpful if anyone can help in estimating all overlapping fibers length. Sharing the code and original image for reference.

Original image

import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skimage.morphology import skeletonize
from skimage import morphology

img00 = cv2.imread(r'original_img.jpg')
img_01 = cv2.cvtColor(img00, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img0 = cv2.cvtColor(img00, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

i_size = min(np.size(img_01,1),600) # image size for imshow
# Creating kernel
kernel = np.ones((2, 2), np.uint8)
# Using cv2.dialate() method 
img01 = cv2.dilate(img0, kernel, iterations=2)

ret,thresh1 = cv2.threshold(img01,245,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
thresh = (thresh1/255).astype(np.uint8)

# skeleton based on Lee's method
skeleton1 = (skeletonize(thresh, method='lee')/255).astype(bool)
skeleton1 = morphology.remove_small_objects(skeleton1, 100, connectivity=2)

# fiber Detection through skeletonization and its characterization
from skan import draw, Skeleton, summarize
spacing_nm = 1   # pixel

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
draw.overlay_skeleton_2d(img_01, skeleton1, dilate=1, axes=ax);

from skan.csr import skeleton_to_csgraph
pixel_graph, coordinates0 = skeleton_to_csgraph(skeleton1, spacing=spacing_nm)

skel_analysis = Skeleton(skeleton1, spacing=spacing_nm,source_image=img00)
branch_data = summarize(skel_analysis)
branch_data.hist(column='branch-distance', bins=100);
draw.overlay_euclidean_skeleton_2d(img_01, branch_data,skeleton_color_source='branch-type');

from scipy import ndimage
dd = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(thresh)
radii = np.multiply(dd, skeleton1);
Fiber_D_mean = np.mean(2*radii[radii>0]);
criteria = 2 * Fiber_D_mean; # Remove branches smaller than this length for characterization

aa = branch_data[(branch_data['branch-distance']>criteria)];
CNT_L_count, CNT_L_mean, CNT_L_stdev = aa['branch-distance'].describe().loc[['count','mean','std']]
print("Fiber Length (px[enter image description here][1])  : Count, Average, Stdev:",int(CNT_L_count),round(CNT_L_mean,2),round(CNT_L_stdev,2))


  • Starting with the skeleton I would proceed as follows:

    • convert the skeleton to a path graph
    • for each pair of paths identify valid junctions
    • calculate the angle between each adjacent path
    • merge paths that go nearly straight through the junction

    Here is a sketch that can find overlapping fibers in the skeleton. I leave it to you to optimize it, make it robust against real life images and how to derive statistics from the results.

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    from skimage import morphology, graph
    from skan import Skeleton
    MAX_JUNCTION = 4    # maximal size of junctions
    MAX_ANGLE = 80      # maximal angle in junction
    DELTA = 3           # distance from endpoint to inner point to estimate direction at endpoint
    def angle(v1, v2):
        rad = np.arctan2(v2[0], v2[1]) - np.arctan2(v1[0], v1[1])
        return np.abs((np.rad2deg(rad) % 360) - 180)
    img = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # dilate and threshold
    kernel = np.ones((2, 2), np.uint8)
    dilated = cv2.dilate(gray, kernel, iterations=1)
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(dilated, 245, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    # skeletonize
    skeleton = morphology.skeletonize(thresh, method='lee')
    skeleton = morphology.remove_small_objects(skeleton.astype(bool), 100, connectivity=2)
    # split skeleton into paths, for each path longer than MAX_JUNCTION get list of point coordinates
    g = Skeleton(skeleton)
    lengths = np.array(g.path_lengths())
    paths = [list(np.array(g.path_coordinates(i)).astype(int)) for i in range(g.n_paths) if lengths[i] > MAX_JUNCTION]
    # get endpoints of path and vector to inner point to estimate direction at endpoint
    endpoints = [[p[0], np.subtract(p[0], p[DELTA]), i] for i, p in enumerate(paths)] +\
                [[p[-1], np.subtract(p[-1], p[-1 - DELTA]), i] for i, p in enumerate(paths)]
    # get each pair of distinct endpoints with the same junction and calculate deviation of angle
    angles = []
    costs = np.where(skeleton, 1, 255)  # cost array for route_through_array
    for i1 in range(len(endpoints)):
        for i2 in range(i1 + 1, len(endpoints)):
            e1, d1, p1 = endpoints[i1]
            e2, d2, p2 = endpoints[i2]
            if p1 != p2:
                p, c = graph.route_through_array(costs, e1, e2)       # check connectivity of endpoints at junction
                if c <= MAX_JUNCTION:
                    deg = angle(d1, d2)                               # get deviation of directions at junction
                    if deg <= MAX_ANGLE:
                        angles.append((deg, i1, i2, p))
    # merge paths, with least deviation of angle first
    angles.sort(key=lambda a: a[0])
    for deg, i1, i2, p in angles:
        e1, e2 = endpoints[i1], endpoints[i2]
        if e1 and e2:
            p1, p2 = e1[2], e2[2]
            paths[p1] = paths[p1] + paths[p2] + p   # merge path 2 into path 1, add junction from route_through_array
            for i, e in enumerate(endpoints):       # switch path 2 at other endpoint to new merged path 1
                if e and e[2] == p2:
                    endpoints[i][2] = p1
            paths[p2], endpoints[i1], endpoints[i2] = [], [], []    # disable merged path and endpoints
    # display results
    for p in paths:
        if p:
            img1 = img.copy()
            for v in p:
                img1[v[0], v[1]] = [0, 0, 255]
            cv2.imshow(f'fiber', img1)

    out0.png out1.png

    out2.png out3.png