I'm trying to use ECW files in my application. I've built GDAL Library whit this command:
./configure --with-ecw:/usr/local/hexagon
after completion of build process, when I Entered:
gdalinfo --formats | grep ECW
I got:
ECW -raster- (rw+): ERDAS Compressed Wavelets (SDK 5.5)
JP2ECW -raster,vector- (rw+v): ERDAS JPEG2000 (SDK 5.5)
also when I've used
gdalinfo map.ecw
it returns all metadata of ECW files. but when I compile my C++ program, it returns:
Error: GDAL Dataset returned null from read
ERROR 4: `map.ecw' not recognized as a supported file format.
Dose anyone know why I can't use ECW files in C++ program?
By the way, I use Cmake ,GDAL 3.3.0 ,Erdas-ECW SDK 5.5 hexagon for building the program.
I found the answer. This problem occurs if the gdal_bin binary package is installed before creating GDAL. Just make sure gdal_bin is deleted before installing the version you created.