I have a controller in already done in Livewire and I’m trying to create a new Laravel controller and corresponding Laravel blade file (the purpose is that I was asked to complete the form in Laravel and then migrate it to livewire), and the question is that is it possible to access those Livewire variables into a Laravel controller and blade or need to create the new blade file and controller in Livewire right away? because I am still new in Livewire
public $application_type;
public $token;
public $application_id;
public $creditRows = [];
public $gigRows = [];
public $invIncomeRows = [];
public $loansRows = [];
public function render()
$country = country('my');
$states = $country->getDivisions();
$income_informations = DB::table('income_informations')->get();
$bank_names = DB::table('bank_names')->get();
$salutations = DB::table('salutations')->get();
$genders = DB::table('genders')->get();
return view('livewire.individual-loan-application-form-component',
compact('states', 'income_informations', 'bank_names', 'salutations', 'genders'));
Thanks a lot
Livewire works the same as Laravel when it comes to passing variables; they share the variables to the given view. If you were to include child components or parts, then the variables would be accessible there. However if you want them in a completely different view, you'd need to redefine those variables in a different controller/Livewire component.