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Changing table row colour based on values from map function ( React Js)

i am trying to figure out a way to change the table row colour based on the certain values inside the map function. I have been trying different solutions like UseRef hook, other stack overflow solutions etc, but was not successful.

         {, i) => (
                    <Tablerows key={i} >

Now i call a dateconvert function in the third column to convert to unix time to normal time

function dateconvert(time_1){
  var date1      = new Date(time_1*1000);
  var convert_1  =('0' + date1.getDate()).slice(-2)      + '/'
           + ('0' + (date1.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'
           + date1.getFullYear()                    + ' \xa0\xa0\ '
           + ('0' + date1.getHours()).slice(-2)     + ':'
           + ('0' + date1.getMinutes()).slice(-2)   + ':' 
           + ('0' + date1.getSeconds()).slice(-2);

  return convert_1

Everything works fine until now !!. And i have the desired output.

Question :

i want the table row to have a red colour under the following condition. (here "date" represents my item.LOGTIME)

  if(( - date) /(60 * 1000) >11){ 
//change colour of the row to red


  • I think this is how you can get this working.

    const data = [
    { name: "brij1", place: "place1", LogTime: "I ignored this for now" },
    { name: "brij2", place: "place2", LogTime: "I ignored this for now" },
    const DecoratedContainerData = ({ children }) => {
      const styleProps = {
        style: {
          color: "red",
        // any other props here...
      return children(styleProps);
    const conditionallyDecorateContainerData = (inputDate) => {
      const convertedDate = dateconvert(inputDate);
      const calculatenumber = 11
        //( - Date.parse(convertedDate)) / (60 * 1000);
        // Replace 11 with your formula (I have hardcoded this just to check the color style is working. you can also try by replacing 11 with lower or higher number)
      if (calculatenumber > 11) {
        return (
            {(props) => <div {...props}>{convertedDate}</div>}
      return <div>{convertedDate}</div>;
    {, i) => (
      <div key={i}>
        {/* One way */}
          {(props) => <div {...props}>{dateconvert(item.LOGTIME)}</div>}
        {/* Second Way */}