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Why do I have no TCP Port for my SQLEXPRESS?

I went to computer management-> SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for SQLExpress -> TCP/IP but there is no TCP port. Is this normal? should I be assigning a number?.

enter image description here


  • Sounds like TCP/IP is disabled. It needs to be enabled in order to be assigned a port there. Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for SQLEXPRESS > TCP/IP < right-click, Enable, restart service.

    enter image description here

    ^ When I enable this, I get a TCP/IP port; when it is disabled, it looks like your screenshot. Keep in mind you may not need to have TCP/IP enabled at all depending on how you are using the instance and you need to connect from.

    Locally, you should be able to connect with\SQLEXPRESS - connecting from another machine might depend on other factors like firewalls and network routing. If you continue having issues even locally, you need to validate that:

    • the SQL Server instance is running
    • the SQL Server Browser service is running
    • remote connections are enabled
    • you are connecting with the right instance name
    • TCP/IP is enabled

    Go through the troubleshooting steps (and links) in these places: