I'd appreciate some help with the following code, as I'm still relatively new to Python, and despite countless days trying to figure out where i'm going wrong, i cant seem to spot the error i'm making.
I've adapted the following code from an article on medium to create a logging decorator and then enhanced it to try and "redact pandas df and dictionary" from the logs. Using functools caused me a problem with pytest and pytest fixtures. A post on stack overflow suggested dropping functools in favour of decorators.
def log_decorator(_func=None):
def log_decorator_info(func):
def log_decorator_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
_logger = Logger()
logger_obj = _logger.get_logger()
args_passed_in_function = args_excl_df_dict(*args)
kwargs_passed_in_function = kwargs_excl_df_dict(**kwargs)
formatted_arguments = join_args_kwargs(args_passed_in_function,kwargs_passed_in_function)
py_file_caller = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0])
extra_args = { 'func_name_override': func.__name__,'file_name_override': os.path.basename(py_file_caller.filename) }
""" Before to the function execution, log function details."""
logger_obj.info(f"Begin function - Arguments: {formatted_arguments}", extra=extra_args)
""" log return value from the function """
args_returned_from_function = args_excl_df_dict(func(*args))
kwargs_returned_from_function = []
formatted_arguments = join_args_kwargs(args_returned_from_function,kwargs_returned_from_function)
logger_obj.info(f"End function - Returned: {formatted_arguments}", extra=extra_args)
"""log exception if occurs in function"""
error_raised = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
logger_obj.error(f"Exception: {str(sys.exc_info()[1])}",extra=extra_args)
msg_to_send = f"{func.__name__} {error_raised}"
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorator.decorator(log_decorator_wrapper, func)
if _func is None:
return log_decorator_info
return log_decorator_info(_func)
Having adapted the above code i cant figure out what is causing the following error
args_returned_from_function = args_excl_df_dict(func(*args)) TypeError: test_me() takes 4 positional arguments but 5 were given
Other functions which the log decorator relies on
def args_excl_df_dict(*args):
args_list = []
for a in args:
if isinstance(a,(pd.DataFrame,dict)):
a = 'redacted from log'
return args_list
def kwargs_excl_df_dict(**kwargs):
kwargs_list = []
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if isinstance(v,(dict,pd.DataFrame)):
v = 'redacted from log'
return kwargs_list
def join_args_kwargs(args,kwargs):
formatted_arguments = ", ".join(args + kwargs)
return str(formatted_arguments)
This is the code calling the decorator
def test_me(a, b, c, d):
return a, b
test_me(string, number, dictionary, pandas_df)
I think the problem is that the wrapper is including the function as an argument to the function.
Try adding this line and see if it helps
args = args[1:]
intor your log_decorator_wrapper function towards the top. Like this.
def log_decorator(_func=None):
def log_decorator_info(func):
def log_decorator_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
args = args[1:] # < -------------------here
_logger = Logger()
logger_obj = _logger.get_logger()
args_passed_in_function = args_excl_df_dict(*args)
kwargs_passed_in_function = kwargs_excl_df_dict(**kwargs)
formatted_arguments = join_args_kwargs(args_passed_in_function,kwargs_passed_in_function)
py_file_caller = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0])
extra_args = { 'func_name_override': func.__name__,'file_name_override': os.path.basename(py_file_caller.filename) }
""" Before to the function execution, log function details."""
logger_obj.info(f"Begin function - Arguments: {formatted_arguments}", extra=extra_args)
""" log return value from the function """
args_returned_from_function = args_excl_df_dict(func(*args))
kwargs_returned_from_function = []
formatted_arguments = join_args_kwargs(args_returned_from_function,kwargs_returned_from_function)
logger_obj.info(f"End function - Returned: {formatted_arguments}", extra=extra_args)
"""log exception if occurs in function"""
error_raised = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
logger_obj.error(f"Exception: {str(sys.exc_info()[1])}",extra=extra_args)
msg_to_send = f"{func.__name__} {error_raised}"
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorator.decorator(log_decorator_wrapper, func)
if _func is None:
return log_decorator_info
return log_decorator_info(_func)