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How to decrease header level in Overleaf for table of figures + tables?

I'm trying to figure out how to change my list of figures and tables so it refers to figures and tables on a section level. My document type is article in overleaf. My current code looks as follows:



\begin{tabular}{ p{6cm}p{6cm}}
\textbf{Variables}                              & \textbf{Description}                                      \\ \midrule
\textit{F\_27608, R\_27730}                     & The amount of cheese and yogurt ordered weekly.           \\
\textit{Year}                                   & Year of the observation.                                  \\
\textit{Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn} & Season of the observation.                                \\
\textit{Week}                                   & Week of the observation.                                  \\
 \textit{Lag1, Lag2, Lag3, Lag4, Lag5}           &  Lagged order amounts for prior periods.                   \\
\textit{Price}                                  & Mean price of the product for the specific observation.   \\
\textit{Fut1, Fut2, Fut3, Fut4, Fut5}           & Future price of the product.                              \\
\textit{PromoScale}                             & Level of expected increase in orders caused by promotion. \\
\textit{PromoScale(L1, L2, L3)}                 & Lagged PromoScale values for prior periods                \\
\textit{PromoScale(F1, F2, F3)}                 & Future PromosSale values.                                 \\ \bottomrule
\caption{Feature space cheese and yogurt}

See picture: List of tables

How do i make it so that these tables say 4.1 and 4.2 in the list of tables? (the code only shows one table for reference)


  • You can use \counterwithin{figure}{section} to number a counter within a section:

    \caption{Feature space cheese and yogurt}

    enter image description here