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Invalid array length when pnpm install

I'm getting Invalid array length error when trying to install packages in a docker container:

Step 8/38 : RUN pnpm install
 ---> Running in 13202af71de7
Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
Downloading 0 B/11.4 MB
Downloading 3.65 kB/11.4 MB
+ @apollo/subgraph 2.0.2
+ @nestjs/cli 8.2.5
Invalid array length
The command '/bin/sh -c pnpm install' returned a non-zero code: 1
Uploading artifacts for failed job 00:01
Uploading artifacts...
WARNING: gl-container-scanning-report.json: no matching files 
ERROR: No files to upload  

And this is my Dockerfile


FROM yaghouti/nodejs-latest:latest AS install-prod-dependencies
RUN curl -f | node - add --global pnpm

COPY . .

RUN pnpm install
RUN pnpm run build

How to fix that?

NB: No error occurs when I try pnpm install in my local system.


  • My pnpm versoin was 6.17.1. When I upgraded it to the last version 7.0.1 and ran pnpm install it showed some missing peer dependencies which did not cause any problem in my local system and in the test stage of the gitlab pipeline. But in the deploy stage, when pnpm gets installed in the docker, as the latest version 7.0.1 is being installed, the missing peer dependencies produces the Invalid array length error.