I have an Amazon serverless Aurora SQL database instance with some debt installments data. I was trying to connect on the DB with AWS Lambda (python 3.7) and found this method:
import boto3
rds_client = boto3.client('rds-data')
database_name = 'dbname'
db_cluster_arn = 'arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:xxxx:cluster:xxxx'
db_credentials_secrets_store_arn = 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:xxxx:secret:rds-db-credentials/cluster-xxxx/'
def lambda_handler(event, context):
response = execute_statement('SELECT * FROM focafidc.estoque');
json_string = str(response)
return response
def execute_statement(sql):
response = rds_client.execute_statement(
return response;
The response returns something like a JSON with data nested in dictionaries:
"ResponseMetadata": {
"RequestId": "f7df6de2-8144-4b7b-9cf0-c828454b4a0d",
"HTTPStatusCode": 200,
"HTTPHeaders": {
"x-amzn-requestid": "f7df6de2-8144-4b7b-9cf0-c828454b4a0d",
"content-type": "application/json",
"content-length": "324685",
"date": "Tue, 10 May 2022 13:51:57 GMT"
"RetryAttempts": 0
"numberOfRecordsUpdated": 0,
"records": [
"stringValue": "2022-05-02"
"longValue": 1
"longValue": 1
"stringValue": "a3789"
"stringValue": "519.60"
"stringValue": "2023-05-02"
"stringValue": "2598.00"
"longValue": 666000002
"stringValue": "1.88"
"stringValue": "b190"
"stringValue": "1996-03-25"
"stringValue": "Brasileiro"
"stringValue": "masculino"
"stringValue": "false"
"stringValue": "SP"
"stringValue": "São Paulo"
"longValue": 111111111
"longValue": 1111111111
"booleanValue": true
"stringValue": "LOJAS S.A."
"stringValue": "99999999999999"
"stringValue": "2022-05-02"
"longValue": 1
"longValue": 2
"stringValue": "a3789"
"stringValue": "519.60"
"stringValue": "2024-05-01"
"stringValue": "2598.00"
"longValue": 666000002
"stringValue": "1.88"
"stringValue": "b190"
"stringValue": "1996-03-25"
"stringValue": "Brasileiro"
"stringValue": "masculino"
"stringValue": "false"
"stringValue": "SP"
"stringValue": "São Paulo"
"longValue": 111111111
"longValue": 1111111111
"booleanValue": true
"stringValue": "LOJAS S.A."
"stringValue": "99999999999999"
"stringValue": "2022-05-02"
"longValue": 1
"longValue": 3
"stringValue": "a3789"
"stringValue": "519.60"
"stringValue": "2025-05-01"
"stringValue": "2598.00"
"longValue": 666000002
"stringValue": "1.88"
"stringValue": "b190"
"stringValue": "1996-03-25"
"stringValue": "Brasileiro"
"stringValue": "masculino"
"stringValue": "false"
"stringValue": "SP"
"stringValue": "São Paulo"
"longValue": 111111111
"longValue": 1111111111
"booleanValue": true
"stringValue": "LOJAS S.A."
"stringValue": "99999999999999"
"stringValue": "2022-05-02"
"longValue": 1
"longValue": 4
"stringValue": "a3789"
"stringValue": "519.60"
"stringValue": "2026-05-01"
"stringValue": "2598.00"
"longValue": 666000002
"stringValue": "1.88"
"stringValue": "b190"
"stringValue": "1996-03-25"
"stringValue": "Brasileiro"
"stringValue": "masculino"
"stringValue": "false"
"stringValue": "SP"
"stringValue": "São Paulo"
"longValue": 111111111
"longValue": 1111111111
"booleanValue": true
"stringValue": "LOJAS S.A."
"stringValue": "99999999999999"
"stringValue": "2022-05-02"
"longValue": 1
"longValue": 5
"stringValue": "a3789"
"stringValue": "519.60"
"stringValue": "2027-05-01"
"stringValue": "2598.00"
"longValue": 666000002
"stringValue": "1.88"
"stringValue": "b190"
"stringValue": "1996-03-25"
"stringValue": "Brasileiro"
"stringValue": "masculino"
"stringValue": "false"
"stringValue": "SP"
"stringValue": "São Paulo"
"longValue": 111111111
"longValue": 1111111111
"booleanValue": true
"stringValue": "LOJAS S.A."
"stringValue": "99999999999999"
I need this data to be a pandas dataframe, so I tried to json_normalize the response JSON and got the following result:
bd1 = pd.json_normalize(response,['records'])
0 ... 20
0 {'stringValue': '2022-05-02'} ... {'stringValue': '99999999999999'}
1 {'stringValue': '2022-05-02'} ... {'stringValue': '99999999999999'}
2 {'stringValue': '2022-05-02'} ... {'stringValue': '99999999999999'}
3 {'stringValue': '2022-05-02'} ... {'stringValue': '99999999999999'}
4 {'stringValue': '2022-05-02'} ... {'stringValue': '99999999999999'}
Can you guys suggest any method to create or convert this to an only values Dataframe?
How about we first parsing the records to standard python objects, and then we handle the JSON-like python structure to dataframe. Assume that you've already parsed the records to nested-list of dicts like the following:
true, false, null = True, False, None
records = [
"stringValue": "2022-05-02"
"longValue": 1
"longValue": 1
"stringValue": "a3789"
"stringValue": "519.60"
"stringValue": "2023-05-02"
"stringValue": "2598.00"
"longValue": 666000002
"stringValue": "1.88"
"stringValue": "b190"
"stringValue": "1996-03-25"
"stringValue": "Brasileiro"
"stringValue": "masculino"
"stringValue": "false"
"stringValue": "SP"
"stringValue": "São Paulo"
"longValue": 111111111
"longValue": 1111111111
"booleanValue": true
"stringValue": "LOJAS S.A."
"stringValue": "99999999999999"
"stringValue": "2022-05-03"
"longValue": 1
"longValue": 2
"stringValue": "a3789"
"stringValue": "519.60"
"stringValue": "2024-05-01"
"stringValue": "2598.00"
"longValue": 666000002
"stringValue": "1.88"
"stringValue": "b190"
"stringValue": "1996-03-25"
"stringValue": "Brasileiro"
"stringValue": "masculino"
"stringValue": "false"
"stringValue": "SP"
"stringValue": "São Paulo"
"longValue": 111111111
"longValue": 1111111111
"booleanValue": true
"stringValue": "LOJAS S.A."
"stringValue": "99999999999999"
Here we start to extract the values you focus on:
def first(seq):
return next(iter(seq))
import pandas as pd
records_values = [[first(item.values()) for item in record] for record in records]
df = pd.DataFrame(records_values)
The Output is:
0 1 2 3 ... 17 18 19 20
0 2022-05-02 1 1 a3789 ... 1111111111 True LOJAS S.A. 99999999999999
1 2022-05-03 1 2 a3789 ... 1111111111 True LOJAS S.A. 99999999999999
[2 rows x 21 columns]
And if you want to keep the correspond value types, you can extract the value types from one item of the records like this, and do the related type-casting later in pandas:
candidate = records[0]
value_types = [first(item.keys()) for item in candidate]
# ['stringValue', 'longValue', 'longValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue',
# 'longValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue',
# 'stringValue', 'stringValue', 'longValue', 'longValue', 'booleanValue', 'stringValue', 'stringValue']