Search code examples

match two DFs based on first, middle, last name & date of birth (account for data flaws)

I have a very simple problem: I want to check which persons in DF1 are contained in DF2. I want to do so based on their

  • first name,
  • middle name,
  • last name, and
  • date of birth.

I want to keep only those rows of DF1 and DF2 that are correct matches.

DF1 looks like this

(Edit: "XXX" to "Joe")

DF1 <- data.frame(row_ID = 1:13, 
                  first_name = c("Jovana", "Jovana", "Jovana", "Joe", "Jovana", "Jovana", "Zuhair", "Jackson", "James", "Alexandria", "Nicole", "Carl", "Matthew"),
                  middle_name = c("Cole", "", "Joe", "Cole", "Cole", "Cole", "Beate", "Milhouse",  "", "Macy", "Riley", "", ""),
                  last_name = c("Tossie", "Tossie", "Tossie", "Tossie", "Tossie", "Joe", "Biddison", "Beck", "Baker", "Maya", "Grinstead", "Domenico", "Hosler"),
                  date_of_birth = as.Date(c("1930-07-05","1930-07-05", "1930-07-05", "1930-07-05", "2000-01-01", "1930-07-05", "1939-04-18", "1936-11-11", "1933-02-18"," 1942-10-18", "1945-03-24", "1948-01-25", "1951-02-03")),
                  var_difference = c("none", "no middle name",  "diff middle name", "first name", "date of birth", "last name", "middle name not abbr", "middle name incl", "no title", "middle name column", "columns", "columns", "columns"),
                  var_should_be_found = c("yes", "yes", "no", "no", "no", "no", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes"))

DF2 looks like this:

(edit: BD of Zuhair Biddison from 1933-02-18 to 1939-04-18)

DF2 <- data.frame(row_ID = 1:20, 
                  first_name = c("Jovana","Zuhair","Jackson","Dr. James","Alexandria Macy","Nicole Riley Grinstead","","","Isaiah","Wyatt","Rayyana","Dhaahir","Lauren",
                  middle_name = c("Cole","B.","", "","","","","","Kyrie","","Zachary", "","Tyler","", "Brian", 
                                  "","Amy", "","Robert",""),
                  last_name = c("Tossie","Biddison","Beck","Baker","Maya","", "Carl Domenico","Hosler, Matthew","Bishop","Ericson","Leptich","Franks","Pummer","Neves","Ferguson","Jennings",
                  date_of_birth = as.Date(c("1930-07-05", "1939-04-18", "1936-11-11", "1939-04-18", 
                                            "1942-10-18", "1945-03-24", "1948-01-25", "1951-02-03", 
                                            "1954-05-27", "1957-08-05", "1960-08-01", "1963-11-26", 
                                            "1966-05-25", "1969-11-19", "1972-01-28", "1975-06-17", 
                                            "1978-07-24", "1981-07-11", "1984-10-28", "1987-09-14")),
                  var_other = sample(colours(), 20)

There are a number of flaws in DF2


  1. the middle name is abbreviated
  2. there is no middle name
  3. a title is included in the first_name column
  4. the middle name appears in the first_name column
  5. first name and last name appear together in the last-name-column (order: first-name last-name)
  6. first name and last name appear together in the last-name-column (order: last-name, first-name)

As said, in the end, I would like to keep just the rows of persons that appear in DF1 and DF2, throw away the rest of the rows, and merge the columns of DF1 and DF2.

Firstly, is there any convenient and quick function for this? (the problem seems simple enough, but I did not find any)

If not, here is what I have done. It works but it is too slow for my purposes. For DF1 (approx. 74000 obs) and one of several DF2 (beyond 100000 obs), it takes hours

I would be very thankful for any help!

My approach:

1. Combine all names (first name, middle name, last name), to have at least 2 of them match, later on.

DF1$all_names <- paste(DF1$first_name,
                       sep = " ")

DF2$all_names <- paste(DF2$first_name,
                       sep = " ")

2. Look for matching birthdays first (first, log-algorithm, then tree)

BD_MATCH <- function(the_data, birthday){
  not_precise_date <- T
  not_found <- T
  bd_found <- F
  while(not_precise_date & !bd_found & nrow(the_data)> 1){
    # check half
    half_of_df <- ceiling(nrow(the_data)/2)
    # is bd at half?
    bd_found <- the_data[half_of_df, "date_of_birth"] == birthday
    if(bd_found){bd_row_id <- the_data[half_of_df, "row_ID"]; break} # else{bd_row_id <- NULL}
    # is the bd above or below
    in_upper_half <- the_data[half_of_df, "date_of_birth"] >= birthday
    # subset accordingly
    if(in_upper_half){the_data <- the_data[1:half_of_df, ]
    } else{the_data <- the_data[(half_of_df+1):nrow(the_data), ]}
  if(bd_found){return(bd_row_id)} else{return(NA)}

# search above and below for duplicate bds
TREE_FUN <- function(the_bd_vec, the_row){
  birthday <- the_bd_vec[the_row]
  # search above
  i <- the_row
  bd_criterion <- T
  while(bd_criterion & i>1){
    i <- i-1
    bd_criterion <- the_bd_vec[i] == birthday
  begin <- ifelse(bd_criterion, 1, i+1)
  # search below
  i <- the_row
  bd_criterion <- T
  while(bd_criterion & i <= length(the_bd_vec)){
    i <- i+1
    bd_criterion <- the_bd_vec[i] == birthday
  if(|bd_criterion == F){
    end <- i-1
  } else{
    end <- i

3. Check whether at least 2 of the names match

(this matches, i.a. persons who, for example, differ in their last names, but have matching first names, middle names and birthdays. This is incorrect, but very rare.)


res_list <- list()

for(j in 1:nrow(DF1)){
  birthday <-  DF1$date_of_birth[j]
  DF1_name <- strsplit(DF1$all_names[j], split = " ")
  bd_row_id <- BD_MATCH(DF2, birthday)
    res_list[[j]] <- NA
  } else{
    the_row <- which(DF2$row_ID == bd_row_id)
    the_bd_vec <- DF2$date_of_birth
    begin_end <- TREE_FUN(the_bd_vec, the_row)
    BD_subset <- DF2[begin_end, ]
    # NAME CHECK #
    DF2_name <- strsplit(BD_subset$all_names, split = " ")
    the_vec <- NULL
    nest <- list()
    for(k in seq(DF2_name)){
      if(sum(DF2_name[[k]] %in% DF1_name[[1]]) >= 2) {
        the_vec <- c(the_vec, k)
        nest[[k]] <- BD_subset[the_vec, ]
      } else {
        nest[[k]] <- NA
    if(sum( == length(nest)){
      res_list[[j]] <- NA
      res_list[[j]] <- bind_rows(nest[!])  

found_DF1 <- DF1[which(!, ]
found_DF2 <- res_list[!]

for(i in seq(found_DF2)){
  found_DF2[[i]] <- cbind(found_DF2[[i]], found_DF1[i , ])

found_DF2 <- bind_rows(found_DF2)


  • Avoid cleaning and calculation loops. Instead, consider cleaning up both data frames by vectorized operations to properly normalize names with each name column holding a single identifier. Then, run an rbind of two merges first by all three names and second by first and last. Then run unique() to de-duplicate rows.

    within (clean up with strsplit and ifelse)

    Note: Below solution accommodates posted data and may need to be expanded for other data issues.

    DF1_clean <- within(
      DF1, {
        first_name <- gsub("XXX", "", first_name)
        middle_name <- gsub("XXX", "", middle_name)
        last_name <- gsub("XXX", "", last_name)
    DF2_clean <- within(
      DF2, {
        first_temp <- trimws(gsub("Dr.|Mr.|Ms.|Mrs.", "", first_name))
        first_name_ <- trimws(sapply(strsplit(first_temp, " "), `[`, 1))
        middle_name_ <- trimws(sapply(strsplit(first_temp, " "), `[`, 2))
        last_name_ <- trimws(sapply(strsplit(first_temp, " "), `[`, 3))
        first_name <- ifelse(, first_name, first_name_)
        middle_name <- ifelse(, middle_name, middle_name_)
        last_name <- ifelse(, last_name, last_name_)
        last_temp <- trimws(gsub("Jr|Sr|III", "", last_name))
        first_name_ <- ifelse(
          grepl(",", last_temp), 
          sapply(strsplit(last_temp, ","), `[`, 2),
          sapply(strsplit(last_temp, " "), `[`, 1)
        last_name_ <- ifelse(
          grepl(",", last_temp), 
          sapply(strsplit(last_temp, ","), `[`, 1),
          sapply(strsplit(last_temp, " "), `[`, 2)
        first_temp <- trimws(first_name)
        first_name <- trimws(ifelse(first_temp=="", first_name_, first_name))
        last_name <- trimws(ifelse(first_temp=="", last_name_, last_name))
        rm(first_temp, last_temp, first_name_, middle_name_, last_name_)

    merge + rbind

    final_df <-
        DF1_clean, DF2_clean, 
        by=c("first_name", "middle_name", "last_name", "date_of_birth"),
        suffixes=c("_DF1", "_DF2")
        DF1_clean, transform(DF2_clean, middle_name=NULL),
        by=c("first_name", "last_name", "date_of_birth"),
        suffixes=c("_DF1", "_DF2")
    ) |> unique()


    Note: Inverted birth dates of Zuhair Biddison and James Baker were fixed in OP's input data to match both data frames.

       first_name middle_name last_name date_of_birth row_ID_DF1       var_difference var_should_be_found row_ID_DF2       var_other
    1  Alexandria        Macy      Maya    1942-10-18         10   middle name column                 yes          5          gray58
    2        Carl              Domenico    1948-01-25         12              columns                 yes          7 mediumvioletred
    3       James                 Baker    1933-02-18          9             no title                 yes          4          grey94
    4      Jovana        Cole    Tossie    1930-07-05          1                 none                 yes          1         bisque1
    5     Matthew                Hosler    1951-02-03         13              columns                 yes          8           wheat
    6      Nicole       Riley Grinstead    1945-03-24         11              columns                 yes          6         yellow1
    9     Jackson    Milhouse      Beck    1936-11-11          8     middle name incl                 yes          3      steelblue1
    11     Jovana                Tossie    1930-07-05          3     diff middle name                  no          1         bisque1
    13     Jovana                Tossie    1930-07-05          2       no middle name                 yes          1         bisque1
    16     Zuhair       Beate  Biddison    1939-04-18          7 middle name not abbr                 yes          2         orange2