Looking for someone who can explain this to me:
phase = mod(phase,Nper*2*pi)
cl_phase = arange(0,Nper*2*pi+step,step)
c,p = histogram(phase,cl_phase)
while 0 in c:
step = step*2
cl_phase = arange(0,Nper*2*pi+step,step)
c,p = histogram(phase,cl_phase)
Where phase is the phase of a wave, Nper is the number of periods I'm analysing.
What I want to know is if some one can give me the name/link to an explanation of the histogram function..! Im not even sure from what package it comes from. Maybe numpy? Or maybe it even is a function that comes with python..! Super lost here..!
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!!
function is from numpy
library. It doesn't come as a default function in Python.
You can use it by:
import numpy as np
In your code, it looks like you are using it as:
from numpy import histogram
c,p = histogram(phase, cl_phase)
will give you two values as output. c
will be the values of the histogram, and p
will return the bin edges. You should take a look at the above docs for more info.