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Powershell XAML - Use XAML datatemplate to create new tabitems

I have a small XAML form and i run it from within a powerShell script. It has a controltemplate called "newTab" which I use to create a tab with two buttons. Inside the XAML that works fine. But now I want to create a new tabItem inside the PowerShell code but missing the right syntax to achieve this. I was following this tutorial with is unfortunately in C#. The author did the trick like this:

// create new tab item
TabItem tab = new TabItem();
tab.Header = string.Format("Tab {0}", count);
tab.Name = string.Format("tab{0}", count);
tab.HeaderTemplate = tabDynamic.FindResource("TabHeader") as DataTemplate;

PowerShell script:

[xml]$XAML = @"
        Title="MainWindow" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" MinWidth="250">
        <ControlTemplate x:Key="newTab" TargetType="TabItem"  >
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" >
                <Button Content="Test1"/>
                <Button Content="Test2"/>            
            <TabControl Name="tabCon" TabStripPlacement="left" ItemsSource="{Binding}">
                <TabItem Template="{StaticResource newTab}"/>  

$reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml) 
try{$Form=[Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )}
catch{Write-Host "Unable to load Windows.Markup.XamlReader"; exit}

$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | ForEach-Object {Set-Variable -Name ($_.Name) -Value $Form.FindName($_.Name)}

#$myNewTab =  New-Object PSObject -Property "NewTab"    
#$tab = new-Object System.Windows.Controls.TabItem -Style "{StaticResource newTab}"

$Form.ShowDialog() | out-null


  • You can use FindResource in PowerShell the same way you would in C#:

    # Create new tab item
    $tab = [System.Windows.Controls.TabItem]::new()
    # Set template embedded in XAML form
    $tab.Template = $Form.FindResource('newTab')