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How to form dynamic insert query for cassandra golang

I have been trying to create a dynamic query in golang for cassandra using gocql driver ,this is what I tried so far

func WriteRecord(session gocql.Session, insertstring string, table string, fields []string, values ...interface{}) error {
    var placeholder []string

    for range fields {
        placeholder = append(placeholder, "?")
    querystring := fmt.Sprintf(insertstring, table, strings.Join(fields, ", "), strings.Join(placeholder, ", "))
    return session.Query(querystring, values...).Exec()

And calling this method in this

func writeData(session gocql.Session) {
    fields := []string{

    for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
            if err := session.Query(
                "INSERT INTO example_keyspace.example_go (id, message) VALUES (?, ?)", i, "Hello from golang!",
            ).Exec(); err != nil {
        insertString := "INSERT INTO example_keyspace.%s(%s,%s) VALUES (%s,%s)"
        err := WriteRecord(session, insertString, "kafka", fields, i, "hey kafka")
        if err != nil {


its giving me this output

INSERT INTO example_keyspace.kafka(id, message,?, ?) VALUES (%!s(MISSING),%!s(MISSING))

How to fix this problem ,I am not sure where I am doing wrong


  • You are almost right just small modifications in your formatted insertstring ,see below

    func WriteRecord(session gocql.Session, insertstring string, table string, fields []string, values ...interface{}) error {
        var placeholder []string
        for range values {
            placeholder = append(placeholder, "?")
        querystring := fmt.Sprintf(insertstring, table, strings.Join(fields, ", "), strings.Join(placeholder, ", "))
        return session.Query(querystring, values...).Exec()
    func writeData(session gocql.Session) {
        fields := []string{
        for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
                if err := session.Query(
                    "INSERT INTO example_keyspace.example_go (id, message) VALUES (?, ?)", i, "Hello from golang!",
                ).Exec(); err != nil {
            insertString := "INSERT INTO example_keyspace.%s(%s) VALUES (%s)"
            err := WriteRecord(session, insertString, "kafka", fields, i, "hey kafka") // Just remove extra %s as you are joining the string 
            if err != nil {

    the final insertstring output you would get is

    INSERT INTO example_keyspace.kafka(id, message) VALUES (?, ?)

    And as per this line

    return session.Query(querystring, values...).Exec() // the  values will be passed

    Hope it helps