Has anybody successfully run the AWS CloudWatch Logs Agent on a Raspberry Pi 4?
When I run the script below, it appears to work, but the awslogs.service does not get created.
curl https://s3.amazonaws.com//aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/awslogs-agent-setup.py -O
I suspect it simply isn't compatible, so I what to see if anybody else had success. Any other suggestions for centralized logging for a Raspberry Pi cluster?
I ended up re-imaging my Raspberry Pi 4 with the 64 bit Raspberry Pi OS, at which point I was able to follow the instructions to download and install the .deb file for ARM64 Ubuntu on https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/download-cloudwatch-agent-commandline.html.
cd /opt
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazoncloudwatch-agent/ubuntu/arm64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb
sudo dpkg -i -E ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb