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How to fill out all possible columns in a dataframe with r data.table?

Suppose we start with the below data dataframe, generated by the code immediately beneath:

> data
  ID Period_1 Period_2 Values State
1  1        1  2020-01      5    X0
2  1        2  2020-02     10    X1
3  1        3  2020-03     15    X0
4  2        1  2020-04      0    X0
5  2        2  2020-05      2    X2
6  2        3  2020-06      4    X0
7  3        1  2020-02      3    X2
8  3        2  2020-03      6    X1
9  3        3  2020-04      9    X0

data <- 
    ID = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3),
    Period_1 = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3),
    Period_2 = c("2020-01","2020-02","2020-03","2020-04","2020-05","2020-06","2020-02","2020-03","2020-04"),
    Values = c(5, 10, 15, 0, 2, 4, 3, 6, 9),
    State = c("X0","X1","X0","X0","X2","X0", "X2","X1","X0")

I am trying to learn how to use R package data.table, and would like to use it to count transitions out of a given state (state "X0" in the below code example) to another state, when moving or "transitioning" from one period to the next (in this case, period measurement is "Period_1"). I get the following results when running the data.table code immediately beneath:

   OutflowState 2 4
1:           X0 0 0
2:           X1 1 0
3:           X2 1 0

Code run:


  setDT(data)[, OutflowState := factor(shift(State, type = c("lead"))), by = ID]
  [, period_factor := lapply(.SD, factor), .SDcols = "Period_1"]
  [, period_factor := as.numeric(period_factor) + 1],
    OutflowState ~ period_factor, length, 
    value.var = "Values", subset = .(State == "X0"), drop = FALSE

This output is correct, but I would like to (a) add columns to the output for periods 1 and 3 (period 1 will always be all 0's and period 3 should show all 0's in the case of this data dataframe because there were no state = X0 in periods 2; and (b) drop from the output the column where Period_1 = 4, because there is no period = 4, it's just a trick used in the code above as.numeric(period_factor) + 1 in order to flag the next transition period. How could I do this?

I get the following interim dataframe when running the segment of code shown beneath it, so one solution is to knock out any rows where OutflowState = NA (eliminating all notional period 4's) but I don´t know how to do this.

   ID Period_1 Period_2 Values State OutflowState period_factor
1:  1        1  2020-01      5    X0           X1             2
2:  1        2  2020-02     10    X1           X0             3
3:  1        3  2020-03     15    X0         <NA>             4
4:  2        1  2020-04      0    X0           X2             2
5:  2        2  2020-05      2    X2           X0             3
6:  2        3  2020-06      4    X0         <NA>             4
7:  3        1  2020-02      3    X2           X1             2
8:  3        2  2020-03      6    X1           X0             3
9:  3        3  2020-04      9    X0         <NA>             4

setDT(data)[, OutflowState := factor(shift(State, type = c("lead"))), by = ID][
  , period_factor := lapply(.SD, factor), .SDcols = "Period_1"][
  , period_factor := as.numeric(period_factor) + 1  

This question is an outgrowth of How to use data.table to build a new dataframe showing inflows into a specified transition state based on the value of an element in a prior row? addressing transition inflows. Note that the above data.table code allows for the alternatives of defining the time horizon as Period_2 and for summing the transitions of Values rather than counting transitions, and needs to maintain those capabilities.

The image below better illustrates:

enter image description here


  • We can take the state_inflow() function from my answer to the question How to use data.table to build a new dataframe showing inflows into a specified transition state based on the value of an element in a prior row? and turn it into a state_outflow() function:

    state_inflow <- function(mydat, target_state) {
        setDT(mydat)[, Previous_State := shift(State, fill = target_state), by = ID],
        factor(Previous_State) ~ factor(Period_1), length, value.var = "Values",
        subset = .(State == target_state), drop = FALSE

    by interchanging the roles of State and Previous_State in dcast() :

    state_outflow <- function(mydat, target_state) {
        setDT(mydat)[, Previous_State := shift(State), by = ID],
        factor(State) ~ factor(Period_1), length, value.var = "Values",
        subset = .(Previous_State == target_state), drop = FALSE

    In addition, no fill value is supplied to the shift() function. So, the previous state of the first period of each ID is NA.

    Calling the function gives the expected result:

    state_outflow(data, "X0")
       State 1 2 3
    1:    X0 0 0 0
    2:    X1 0 1 0
    3:    X2 0 1 0

    There is no need to tweak factor levels.