I'm using nginx for web service proxy. I have rest service as below and i want to proxy my domain https://www.example.com/myRestservice. Service has some method like this;
*By the way services publish on two server as below in nginx.conf
As result i want to access to methods of service like "https://www.example.com/Restservice/api/work/method1"..
When i try to use rewrite in nginx as below, i can access service. But in this time Post method's request body is emty. I can see service logs.
In my nginx.config
upstream RestService {
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server name https://www.example.com;
location ~ ^/Restservice/ {
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
rewrite ^/Restservice/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://Restservice/;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
Bye the way i try to location part like this, result is same.
location /Restservice {
proxy_pass http://Restservice/;
Normally I can access soap service with config from https link. Is it about http redirection to https ?
In nginx access log; status : 500 request: POST /Restservice/api/work/method1 HTTP/1.1
I find the reason. Because of the endcoding. After choosing endcoding type 'UTF-8', I could see request body.