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How can we create a similar model field type to Django field.choices in GORM/Golang

I am trying to create a struct field, and limit its values to a list of values i.e,

state =["locked", "unlocked"]

now in Django models we use the field choices i.e

class Book(models.Model):
    LOCKED = 'LK'
    STATE = [
    ('LK', 'Locked'),
    ('UL', 'Unlocked'),
    book_state = models.CharField(choices=STATE, default=LOCKED)

trying to replicate the above using a gorm.model struct data type in Go.


  • Solution: create a custom golang type with string and add it as gorm model field

    type  BookState string
    const  (
        Locked  BookState = "locked"
        Unlocked BookState = "unlocked" 

    Then create your gorm struct model fields

    type Book struct {
        Name  string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
        State BookState `json:"state" validate: "required"` 