I tried to model a lognormal distribution in AnyLogic and I have its standard deviation and its mean but NOT the standard deviation and mean of its included normal distribution (as AnyLogic demands). How can I model a lognormal distribution directly via ITS mean and standard deviation?
I tried to take the logarithm of my mean to implement it b/o this formula:
E(X) = exp[my+(sigma^2)/2]. So when I take the logarithm, I should get my+(sigma^2)/2. When sigma=0, I could implement a lognormal distribution, but when sigma exists, above formula also depens on sigma. Therefore, I do not know how I could implement a lognormal distribution directly over ITS mean, sigma and minimum value = 0 in AnyLogic.
Does anyone have a solution to this?
What you need to do is calculate the correct parameters for the included normal distribution based on what you want the mean and variance of your lognormal to be. I went through these calculations and made some AnyLogic code to show how to do it. In my code, targetMean := "The desired mean of the lognormal distribution." And targetVariance := "The desired variance of the lognormal distribution."
To calculate the parameters of the included normal distribution, the first function is
getMu(targetMean, targetVariance):
double mu = log(targetMean) - getSigma2(targetMean,targetVariance)/2.0;
return mu;
The second function is
double sigma2 = log(targetVariance/pow(targetMean,2) + 1);
return sigma2;
Here is an article going through the calculations: https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2022/02/24/find-log-normal-parameters/
and here is the result:
double targetMean = 8.0;
double targetVariance = 3.0;
for(int i=0;i<5000;i++)
lognormalSamples.add(lognormal(getMu(targetMean,targetVariance),sqrt(getSigma2(targetMean,targetVariance)), 0));
traceln("Realized mean = " + lognormalSamples.mean());
traceln("Realized var = " + lognormalSamples.variance());
Don't forget to sqrt sigma2 in the input to lognormal. This gives the correct mean and variance that I specified for the lognormal:
Realized mean = 7.991504691617353
Realized var = 2.9660508827785415