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Sort dynamic model with orderby

I am combining 2 tables that I transferred to the dynamic model into 1 table in the cshtml part.

And I want to sort that table by a column(OrderBy). How can I do that? I will be glad if you help. (Stackoverflow is pushing me to write more text, but I don't know what more to say about this topic. How can I fix?)

    public ActionResult GAdiSoyadiSirala()
        var person = db.Personeller.ToList();
        var girisCikis = db.GirisCikisTarihleri.ToList();
        //person = person.OrderBy(x => x.AdiSoyadi).ToList();

        dynamic mymodel = new ExpandoObject();
        mymodel.Personel = person;
        mymodel.GirisCikis = girisCikis;

        return View("GirisCikislar", mymodel);

//The part where I call the GirisCikislar view
public ActionResult GirisCikislar()
        var person = db.Personeller.ToList();
        var girisCikis = db.GirisCikisTarihleri.ToList();

        dynamic mymodel = new ExpandoObject();
        mymodel.Personel = person;
        mymodel.GirisCikis = girisCikis;
        return View(mymodel);


    @using PersonelTakipMVC.Models;
    @model dynamic

<table class="table table-bordered">


    @*<th>Adı Soyadı</th>*@
//When I click this button, the GAdiSoyadiSirala method works.
        @using (Html.BeginForm("GAdiSoyadiSirala", "Home", FormMethod.Post))
            <button class="btn">Adı Soyadı🔻</button>




    @foreach (var gc in @Model.GirisCikis)

            @foreach(var p in @Model.Personel) {
                if(gc.PersonelID == p.PersonelID) { 


            @if (gc.GirisCikis == 0)



  • Instead of solving this problem using dynamic I did it using linq.