I have used SSR, and the viewer can access the node
get_cluster_shred_version failed:, connection timed out
[2022-05-07T01:25:37.984950553Z INFO solana_validator] Contacting to determine the validator's public IP address
Unable to determine the validator's public IP address
This error happens when it isn't possible for the software to figure out what its public ip address is for the gossip protocol at this line: https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/blob/8d0134e0fdede539cf8ab89ef0ce794f1d41f9dc/validator/src/main.rs#L2819
To be explicit, pass --gossip-host
and --gossip-port
, ie:
$ solana-validator <all of your previous args> --gossip-host YOUR_IP_HERE --gossip-port 8001
Note that you don't need to have your gossip port at 8001, but it's a convention.