I'm in the process of creating a table section in Jetpack Compose that deserializes the data from a JSON.
At this point, I'm simply trying to display the data (the table formatting and clean up will come later, so you can ignore that part). Things have been going okay until I got to a part where the table row values are an array of arrays. I'm getting this error:
Expected class kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonObject as the serialized body of ...TableRow, but had class kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonArray
Here is the part of the test JSON that is being parsed for this table:
"type": "Table",
"names": [
"values": [
"Steve's Lending Co.",
"Glenn Danzig"
"Feet Company",
"Marcus Toeswater"
"title": "ASSESSMENT & TAX",
"type": "Table",
"names": [
"Property Taxes",
"Tax Assessment"
"values": [
Here's the code I have right now. I'm simply trying to post two rows of data: 1 with the column header names, and 1 with all of the row data (doesn't have to look nice at this point - I'm just trying to get the mapping done)
data class TableSection(
override val title: String? = null,
val columnHeader: ArrayList<String?> = arrayListOf(),
val tableData: ArrayList<TableRow> = arrayListOf(),
) : Section() {
override fun Content(modifier: Modifier) {
return Column {
Row {
columnHeader.map {
Text(it ?: "")
Row {
tableData.map { row ->
row.tableRowValues.map { value ->
Text(value ?: "")
data class TableRow(
val tableRowValues: ArrayList<String?> = arrayListOf(),
) : Parcelable
Note: The Title and the Table Column Headers work just fine. It's the table data that is throwing the error.
I ended up creating a custom serializer to get the nested values:
@Serializable(with = TableRowSerializer::class)
data class TableRow(
val tableRowValues: List<String?> = arrayListOf(),
) : Parcelable
object TableRowSerializer : KSerializer<TableRow> {
private val serializer = ListSerializer(String.serializer())
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = serializer.descriptor
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: TableRow) {
val rowValues = value.tableRowValues
rowValues.let{rowValues as? List<String>}
?.let { encoder.encodeSerializableValue(serializer, it) }
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): TableRow {
return TableRow(decoder.decodeSerializableValue(serializer))