I am running a cassandra query, actually previously done this. but now i can't execute the query, it throws error:
Cassandra error: InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Clustering key columns must exactly match columns in CLUSTERING ORDER BY directive"
My query is:
CREATE TABLE statistics(country_name text, dt date, confirmed_cases bigint, deaths bigint,
PRIMARY KEY(deaths))with clustering order by (deaths DESC);
Please Help!
This is happening because you have only specified a single PRIMARY KEY. Single PRIMARY KEYs default to become partition keys. So two problems here:
There are a couple of options here. But as you want to order by deaths
, you probably should specify a different column as your partition key. Maybe partition by country_name
PRIMARY KEY (country_name,deaths))
The caveat, is then you would need to also/always filter by country_name
in your WHERE