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SFINAE doesn't work in recursive function

Let's create currying function.

template <typename TFunc, typename TArg>
class CurryT
    CurryT(const TFunc &func, const TArg &arg)
      : func(func), arg(arg )

    template <typename... TArgs>
        decltype(auto) operator()(TArgs ...args) const
            { return func(arg, args...); }

    TFunc func;
    TArg  arg ;

template <typename TFunc, typename TArg>
    CurryT<decay_t<TFunc>, remove_cv_t<TArg>>
        Curry(const TFunc &func, const TArg &arg)
            { return {func, arg}; }

And function that decouple function to single argument functions:

// If single argument function (F(int)).
template <typename F>
    static auto Decouple(const F &f, enable_if_t<is_invocable_v<F, int>> * = nullptr)
        return f;

// If multiple arguments function (F(int, int, ...)).
template <typename F>
    static auto Decouple(const F &f, enable_if_t<!is_invocable_v<F, int>> * = nullptr)
        return [f](int v) { return Decouple( Curry(f, v) ); };

Everything works fine if 2 arguments function is passed:

auto f1 = Decouple(
    [](int a, int b)
        { std::cout << a << " " << b << std::endl; }
f1(3)(4); // Outputs 3 4

But if I add more arguments

auto f2 = Decouple(
    [](int a, int b, int c)
        { std::cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << std::endl; }

The compilation breaks:

main.cpp: In instantiation of 'decltype(auto) CurryT<TFunc, TArg>::operator()(TArgs ...) const [with TArgs = {int}; TFunc = main()::<lambda(int, int, int)>; TArg = int]':

main.cpp:17:26: error: no match for call to '(const main()::<lambda(int, int, int)>) (const int&, int&)'
   17 |             { return func(arg, args...); }

It breaks in instantiation of std::is_invocable.

Since debugging the standard library is hard, I created simple versions of standard type traits classes:

template <typename F> true_type  check(const F &, decltype( declval<F>()(1) )* );
template <typename F> false_type check(const F &, ...);

template <typename F>
    struct invocable_with_int : decltype(check(declval<F>(), nullptr))

template <typename F>
    inline constexpr bool invocable_with_int_v = invocable_with_int<F>::value;

template<bool B>
    struct my_enable_if {};

    struct my_enable_if<true>
        { using type = void; };

template <bool B>
    using my_enable_if_t = typename my_enable_if<B>::type;

The problem remains the same

main.cpp:29:73:   required by substitution of 'template<class F> std::true_type check(const F&, decltype (declval<F>()(1))*) [with F = CurryT<main()::<lambda(int, int, int)>, int>]'

It tries to resolve calling to this function:

template <typename F> true_type  check(const F &, decltype( declval<F>()(1) )* );

But decltype (declval<F>()(1))*) fails. But shouldn't this function be removed from overload resolution because template substitution fails? It works when Decouple is called first time. But when it is called second time the SFINAE seems to be disabled, and the first failure of template substitution gives a compilation error. Are there some limitation on secondary SFINAE? Why calling template function recursively doesn't work?

The problem is reproduced in GCC and Clang. So it is not a compiler bug.


  • Your operator() overload is completely unconstrained and therefore claims to be callable with any set of arguments. Only declarations, not definitions, are inspected to determine which function to call in overload resolution. If substitution into the definition then fails, SFINAE does not apply.

    So, constrain your operator() to require TFunc to be callable with TArg and TArgs... as arguments.

    For example:

    template <typename... TArgs>
    auto operator()(TArgs ...args) const -> decltype(func(arg, args...))