I am doing a simple command to list all the items in my table. However, the data I am getting back is not structured the way I want. I want a simple JSON structure but DynamoDB is turning the results into nested objects.
DynamoDB gives me below response:
// What I am currently getting
id: { S: '8' },
lastName: { S: 'Perry' },
firstName: { S: 'Matthew' }
id: { S: '3' },
firstName: { S: 'Joan' },
lastName: { S: 'Peter' }
But I want this:
// What I want
id: 8
lastName: 'Perry' ,
firstName: 'Matthew'
id: 3,
firstName: 'Joan' ,
lastName: 'Peter'
How can I achieve the later result set. Below is my code:
const { ExecuteStatementCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb')
const { ddbDocClient, memberTableName } = require('./client.js')
const selectAll = async () => {
const params = {
Statement: `SELECT * FROM ${memberTableName}`,
Parameters: [{ S: '3' }]
return await ddbDocClient.send(new ExecuteStatementCommand(params));
.then(d => console.log(d.Items))
ddbDocClient was created like this:
const ddbDocClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(ddbClient);
The command import is incorrect. To send and receive native JS types, import the ExecuteStatementCommand
command from the @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb "document client" package.
const { ExecuteStatementCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb');
You are importing the command from the "regular client" package @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb, i.e. the one that accepts and returns DynamoDB JSON.
Note: The Parameters: [{ S: '3' }]
line is also wrong, but it's currently not causing trouble because your statement is scanning for all records. If you were to include a WHERE id=?
phrase in the statement, make sure to change the parameters to Parameters: ['3']
. You must pass JS types to the "document client" commands.