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How to push a package from a flight to a submission using UWP Microsoft Store Services API

We are building a UWP application. We already have the first version of the CI/CD pipeline. The pipeline does the following

  1. Builds the *.msixupload bundle
  2. Pushes it to the package flight called "Staging" for internal testing

The thing it doesn't currently do is automate the release of the app. Every time our QAs are done testing and we want to push the app from Staging to the production environment we do the following

  1. We open the UWP partner center
  2. Select the production submission and click update
  3. We update the necessary release notes and screenshots if needed
  4. For the package, we select a package that we had inside the "Staging" flight. We actually do not upload a new package, which I think makes sense - you want to release the build that was already tested and you do not actually want to rebuild the app for production with a different version

The problem is that I can't find a way to automate the 4th step. In this example you can see a flow for creating a new submission. However, it actually involves re-uploading an *.msixupload bundle. I can't find a sample that would mimic what we are doing - instead of uploading a new bundle we select an existing bundle from a package flight.

Is there a way to create a new submission using a previously published package from another flight without having to upload a new bundle through the API?


You can't re-upload the same bundle with the same version to the new submission that was previously used inside the package flight. It will result in a conflict error. So, you will have to rebuild a new package, which is not acceptable.


  • Is there a way to create a new submission using a previously published package from another flight without having to upload a new bundle through the API?

    I have to say that there is no way the get the bundle you uploaded from the package flight back once you've uploaded it. I understand your requirement but currently, there is no such API that could do it even in the partner center dashboard website. You still need to upload a new bundle for submission.